  • 學位論文


Interpersonal Conflict - The Theory and Practices of Applying Ethnic Custom as Applicable Law

指導教授 : 黃居正


對「人」的法律適用議題上,若涉及個人之身分能力、親屬關係與繼承問題便落入屬人法的研究領域中。個人之屬人法透過連接因素所連接之法域來決定,而法域之概念在國族國家興起後似侷限於「一國之法」的框架,雖有聯邦國家以「州」等單位替換上述概念,然本文欲提出者係透過法律衝突論中的連接因素,使個人連結到其真正所屬之族群法域,如此連接因素可能是宗教、種族甚或其他關係。全球化吹起了法律多元主義,法律多元主義所真正包裹者係多元文化的思想。因為尊重多元文化,連帶將多元文化的傳統、習慣與思想也納入保護中,而產生法律多元主義,因此正視到個人之屬人法不只是國家的法律,也可能是其所屬的族群長期奉行之習慣,如此連結至二個以上競合法域的情況,構成了屬人法衝突。 屬人法衝突亦即造成競合法域的衝突,本文將提取國外屬人法衝突之解決方法作為比較,試圖歸納出族群慣習的規範特徵、構成要件以及解釋的原則;並在有效的解釋方法下使族群慣習成立,使之與國家法律相抗衡。確立族群慣習得以作為準據法後,提出三種族群法域面對國家法律、國際人權法與個人自主權時傾向造成之難題,並試圖以他國之過往案例之分析歸納出解決對策。最後部分將討論範圍限縮於我國,檢討我國司法實務上適用族群傳統慣習之案例,針對我國民事法律的施行歷史與規範結構進行分析,點出我國民事法律兼具普通法特色之重點,並於結論針對我國司法實務上對於原住民族群之文化認識不足,而造成難以適用族群傳統慣習之窘境提出淺見。


In regard to the legal application to natural persons, personal law shall be discussed if legal capacity, family law and succession law of an individual are involved. Personal law is determined by the law of jurisdiction connected through connecting factors. Since the rise of nation states, the idea of the law of jurisdiction has been restricted into the framework of state law. In this thesis, it is suggested to find out individual’s real ethnic enclaves through connecting factors used in conflict of laws. Such a connecting factor may be religions, ethnics or others. Legal pluralism, which contains the idea of multi-culturalism, is driven by globalization. That the tradition, custom and belief of various cultures shall also be protected for the sake of respecting multi-culturalism leads to legal pluralism. Therefore, personal law of an individual is not limited to state law anymore. The personal law can be the custom or religious doctrines included in ethnic enclave which the individual’s community has been acting on chronically. Interpersonal conflict happens following on the fact that more than 2 competing ethnic enclaves are connected as the personal law. Interpersonal conflict, in another word, is the conflict between competing ethnic enclaves. In order to act as a counterweight to state law, the resolutions and methods used to deal with interpersonal conflict in other countries will be analyzed in this thesis, attempting to generalize the regulatory characteristics, constitutive elements, and explanatory principles of community rules and establish community rules under effective interpretation. If community rules plays as applicable law in case at issue, three challenges will be encountered as ethnic enclave confronts with national law, international human rights law and right of personal autonomy. Previous judgment and decisions abroad will be assayed for countermeasures. National cases regarding interpersonal conflict in Taiwan will be examined in the last part. After analysis on the history and regulatory structure of civil law in Taiwan, that the civil law in Taiwan can be considered with the features of common law system will be pointed out. To cope with inadequate knowledge of indigenous people national courts in Taiwan have, my humble opinion given in the conclusion will aim at the predicament of applying ethnic customs in Taiwan.


