  • 學位論文


Discussion on the International Trade Disputes of the Renewable Energy Incentives

指導教授 : 彭心儀


全球暖化和能源短缺問題為此世代最被關注的議題,綠色能源因而亦相當地受到重視。綠色能源能係指能源之生產與消費過程中,對生態產生低污染或無污染之能源,例如天然氣、清潔煤和再生能源。狹義的綠色能源則指能源消耗後可以再生循環之能源,例如風力和太陽能。低碳能源時代來臨的同時,伴隨著許多國家對於再生能源發電的研究與開發。再生能源雖然具有對自然環境之負擔較小,以及不會消耗殆盡的優點;然而,再生能源因發電成本高於傳統發電,而面臨難以在價格上與傳統能源發電競爭的困難。不少政府為扶植再生能源發電產業,而對之進行補貼和立法支持,以增加再生能源之生產及使用的誘因,除了基於環境議題和能源自主性的考量外,實則亦有發展綠能經濟的目的。從近年來之國際貿易的爭端案來看,可發現WTO規範與綠色能源發展間確實存在著衝突。 本文所討論之再生能源獎勵政策引發國際貿易爭端的案例為:加拿大安大略省之再生能源收購FIT計畫案,以及美中台與美印間太陽能產品之貿易爭端。糾紛觸及SCM協定中的補貼規範,和自製率要求下違反GATT及TRIMs協定之國民待遇原則的問題。補貼再生能源產業會提高再生能源產品之邊際效益,對於再生能源業者追求利潤極大化有所幫助,但新的國際貿易戰場在各國政府大力支持、投入、並發展再生能源的同時亦被建立。本文從整理與研究爭端案件之背景到爭端解決小組之裁決、當事國之上訴、和上訴機構的報告結果,來思考爭端案件所產生之後續的可能影響、在現有規範中有無解套之方式、是否再生能源產業之補貼可能須與其他產業之補貼分別以觀,以及如何分別以觀的問題,期能有助於我國主管機關及立法者在訂立環境能源相關的法律時,避免違反國際貿易法上之相關規定,達到低碳友善環境之目標並兼顧經濟利益的追求。


In this Century, Global Warming and the problem of energy shortage are one of the most challenging topics; therefore, green energies also received considerable attention. Green Energies mean that energies cause less or no pollution in the process of production and comsumption, such as natural gas, clean coal and renewable energies. In the narrow sense, green energies are renewable energies which can continuously regenerate after comsumption (e.g., wind and solar power). When the era of low-carbon arrives, many countires put effort into research and development on renewable energy generation. The advantages of renewable energies are environmentally friendly, replenished in a short period of time and not exhaustive; however, because of the high electricity generation costs, renewable energies are confronted with the difficulties in competing with coal-fired power generation and thermal power generation. In order to support renewable energy generation, some governments use subsidies and support measures which can add the incentives of the production and utilization of renewable energies. Except for the environment and energy independence, the governments actually also hope to develop green industries and economy in their countries. From the current international trade disputes we know that there are indeed conflicts between WTO regulations and the development of renewable energies. This thesis discusses the cases which are related to renewable energy support policies, the triggers of international trade disputes, and focuses on Ontario FIT scheme as well as the solar products disputes between U.S., China, Taiwan and India. These disputes are possibly against the subsidy regulations of the SCM Agreement. In addition, there are conflicts between domestic content request and principle of national treatment of GATT and TRIMs Agreement. To subsidy renewable energy industries can increase the marginal benefits of renewable energy products, and suppot renewable energy industries to pursue profits maximization; nevertheless, a new international trade battlefield also is created at the same time. This thesis researches and analyzes the background of the disputes, appeals, reports of the panels and the appellate body. I, as the author, ponder the possible influences of the disputes and potential solutions in existing regulations, and also discuss whether the subsidies on renewable energy industries shall be seen differently from the subsidies on other industries. If we agree that the subsidies on renewable energy industries are different, then the next question is how to separately deal with them. The purpose of the thesis is to contribute to the Taiwanese competent authorities and help them achieve the chase of low-carbon environment and economic benefits but at the same time avoid violating WTO related regulations.


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