  • 學位論文

美國賽馬運動法律議題之研究— 以提升產業安全及誠信之組織規範為中心

Self-Regulatory Rules to Promote the Safety and Integrity of the American Horse Racing Industry- A Study of the Legal Issues

指導教授 : 黃居正


賽馬運動馳名古今中外,其歷史淵遠流長,伴隨著投注行為,為人類史上最古老的競技運動項目與消遣娛樂之一。隨著科技發展進步、人道意識高漲及投注活動之商業化,賽馬運動之法律議題也跟著浮現。其要者包括,社會大眾對於賽馬運動產業之安全與誠信性之質疑。為使賽馬運動持續蓬勃發展,勢必須建立維護其運作秩序之相應規範架構,包括政府之公權力管制、產業內部的管理規則等,都是發展賽馬運動時不可或缺之元素。   本論文以美國之賽馬運動產業為研究主軸,先介紹其賽馬活動發展史與相關產業議題,首先探討藥物爭議問題,及其責任歸屬之法律議題,與美國賽馬實務之爭議方向與應對方法,其次討論與該產業運作秩序相關之組織團體與規範結構,內容包括聯邦或州際法案與協定之發展與內容,以及州境內管理機關與管理規則,並續以產業內部自律組織之規範守則為研究對象,探討賽馬運動產業內部就安全與誠信性之規範的實像。最後,對應我國馬業之現況規畫相應政策,完善法規與管理組織,並推想若我國開辦賽馬運動,於產業末端可能引發之規範問題及其解決建議。


Horse racing is one of the most historical sports and recreational entertainment in the word, notwithstanding the related wagering. Following by the development of technology, humanitarianism and the commercialization of pari-mutual wagering activities foster the emergence of immense legal issues of it, e. g., the question about safety and integrity of the industry, and the use of drugs. To enhance and prolong the development of horse racing, the indivisible regulations over the horse racing industry, which includes both the governmental regulations and the internal bylaws of the autonomous organizations of the industry. This article is intending to refer mainly the empirical data of the horse racing industry of America. Firstly, to introduce alone the American racing history from seventeenth century till now, the related legal, e. g., issues on drugs, and its consequent responsibility rules; and to discuss the impact of internal bylaws of the organizations of which spontaneously and voluntarily took actions. Secondly, to evaluate the consequence of the operation of the industry. As for the legal issues of horse racing industry, there exist state regulations and federal bills, and the bylaws promulgated by the state racing authorities. On the other hand, non-profit or not, racing-related and well-functioning organizations or groups managed to deal with the issues and the problems mainly describe above through the internal rules. With the above study a tentative reflection over the possible horse racing industry Taiwan and its regarding scheme is provided as part of the conclusion.


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