  • 學位論文


Water resource regulations and strategies in Taiwan: A Case Study of Israeli experience

指導教授 : 范建得


水與人類的各種活動密切相關,人類活動依賴水的輸送,農業依賴水的灌溉、工業依賴水製造、清除廢物,因此水量的充足與否嚴重影響人類的各種活動。在台灣,年平均降雨量約2500毫米,是世界平均值的2.6倍,雖然雨量豐沛,但因地狹人稠,每人每年所分配降雨量僅約世界平均值之1/6,且降雨型態在時間及空間上分布極不均勻,豐水期的雨量占全年的78%,豐枯之間差異明顯,又加以地形因素,我國水資源蓄存不易,被利用的水量僅約年總降雨量的19%,其餘即蒸發損失或奔流入海;氣候變遷造成降雨型態改變,加劇極端氣候的影響,使得台灣水資源面臨更大挑戰,因此台灣的水資源管理相當重要。 本文架構係以水作為自然資源的養護管理原則與國際調適原則發展國際水資源管理原則,再以此原則檢視以色列及我國的水法架構,並提出我國水資源管理之檢討與建議。 第二章先就國際淡水資源養護管理原則討論為出發,研究發現水資源管理範圍甚廣,涵蓋開發、使用、節約、保護和防治水汙染等各方面,本文限縮在「管理層面」。研究發現國際淡水資源管理方法眾多,如水資源評估、公民參與(利害關係人參與)、水資源綜合管理、公平合理使用、防治水汙染、維護水生生態系、聯合管理、合作義務等,其目的係達永續發展與利用,本文歸納三大原則:永續發展、公民參與、水資源綜合管理,後以此三大原則檢視以色列及我國之水資源管理。 第三章研究中發現國際組織於水資源調適原則與國際水資源綜合管理原則方向一致,故國際發展總體歸朝向永續發展、公民參與及綜合水資源管理方向前進。 第四章探討及介紹以色列水法架構與調適行動,以色列水科技技術先進,例如滴灌技術、智慧控水、海水淡化、廢水處理等,其中以色列但區的廢水處理廠(Dan Region Wastewater Treatment Plant)更被聯合國指定為世界典範示範場,本文認為這些都需有法規與政策的支持,因此選擇以色列作為比較法對象。 第五章則介紹我國水資源現況與我國水法架構,第四章和第五章會分別介紹以色列與我國之水文背景、水利發展歷史、調適作為及水法架構。在第六章透過水法架構、管理機關、水費制定、公民參與、水資源綜合管理等五方面進行討論,並在第七章給予建議。 關鍵字:水資源管理、水法、調適、永續發展、公民參與、水資源綜合管理。


Water is one of the most essential natural resources on the Earth that supports human’s living. The human society utilizes water in many of the fundamental human activities. For example, agriculture relies on water irrigation. Industry uses water not only during the process of producing but also cleaning. Therefore, it will definitely affect human’s activities if the global water resources reduce or change. In Taiwan, the mean annual rainfall is approximately 2500 mm, which is 2.6 times over the world average. Despite of the abundant rainfall, the dense population in this country leads to the fact that the volume of rainfall distribution per year per person is only about 1/6 of the world average. In addition, the precipitation pattern varied with different seasons causes the divergence of the high and low water period. Also, the hilly geographical environment makes it harder to maintain water resources. Moreover, global climate change has altered the rainfall patterns and caused more and more severe extreme climate events. To sum up, Taiwan has faced much greater challenges in the management of water resources, which may influence the state’s development. This paper aims to provide the analysis and policy suggestions to the Taiwan’s policy on water resources management by comparative study over Israel’s water laws. Firstly, this study reviews the principles of natural resources conservation and international climate change adaptation policy, then generalize the international principles of water management. Chapter II discusses the international principles of freshwater resources conservation and management. This paper summarizes three principles: sustainable development, stakeholder participation, and integrated water resources management (hereinafter IWRM) to further analyze Israel’s water laws and Taiwan’s water management policy. Chapter III discusses international climate change adaptation actions and principles in water sector. Chapter IV and Chapter V studies Israel’s and Taiwan’s Water Law and national adaptation action framework on climate change. Chapter VI reviews Israel and Taiwan’s Water Law in five aspects, framework policy, management authorities, water formulation, stakeholder participation, and integrated water resources management (IWRM). Chapter VII concludes this study with policy suggestions. Keywords: water resource management, water law, climate change adaptation, stakeholder participation, integrated water resources management


水權之理論與實務(上),朱柏松,台大法學論叢 25 卷 2 期,頁265-307,1996年1月。
朱柏松,<水權之理論與實務(上)>,《台大法學論叢》 25 卷 2 期, 1996年1月。
