  • 學位論文


A Study of Organizational Change & Conflict Management Case Study of C Company

指導教授 : 洪世章


摘 要 百年大廠Kodak 於2012年宣告破產保護,Nokia曾經是手機市場龍頭,卻於2013宣布將手機業務出售給微軟。現今由於經濟環境快速變遷,許多百年大型企業相繼倒下,而卻有更多的創新發展公司以創新的產品以及新的商業模式 打跨大型企業。而大型企業有著良好的技術與優秀的管理階層,創造出過去的成功經驗,卻無法比小型/新型企業更早一步的發覺此機會,主要是因為整體商業模式、管理階層思維與企業營運架構的不同。Christensen 提出“對抗破壞式創新的最好策略是大企業可先成立一個獨立的組織負責深入研究,其次盡可能從原有客戶群之外找尋新興市場,如此大企業便可掌握破壞性創新的腳步,打擊使用破壞式創新的公司”。本個案公司在面對現今快速變遷的環境下,利用公司轉型與組織重組對抗破壞式創新的襲擊,然而在轉型與組織變革當中卻不如預期,加上組織重整後,員工本位主義造成部門間衝突加劇。 本研究以破壞式創新為理論架構,針對歷年企業組織轉型所面臨的問題與組織重組後所產生的衝突進行分析研究,並了解其他企業轉型成功與失敗經驗,作為個案公司組織變革與衝突管理之參考。


Abstract The world is changing quickly. Century Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2012, Nokia was the market leader in mobile phones, but in 2013, Nokia announced that mobile business was sold to Microsoft. There are many big companies fall down. However many small or new companies rely on the new business model and innovation to success. Big companies have a good technology and management, to create a successful experience in the past, but could not more earlier to find this opportunity. That is due to the different company size, the business model, management thinking and corporate operating structure are different. Christensen suggested that “Companies need to correctly identifying potentially disruptive technologies, and firms still must circumvent its hierarchy and bureaucracy that can stifle the free pursuit of creative ideas. So, firms need to provide experimental groups within the company a freer rein.” The case study company is reorganized to against the disruptive innovation. However, it were not as good as expected. Organizational restructuring, Staff selfishness cause more serious conflict. This study is used the theoretical framework of Disruptive Innovation, and learn about other business organizational change experience. Providing the suggestion for the case company organizational change and Conflict Management reference.


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