  • 學位論文


Data Replication Management for Geo-distributed Cloud Storage

指導教授 : 周志遠


越來越多的企業或是個人使用者將他們的資料儲存到雲端儲存 器上,使得雲端儲存的效能以及花費更加被重視,雲端供應商在世界 各地建立資料中心來提供全球化的儲存設備,除此之外,若為單一副 本的資料儲存,因為其他的資料中心並不會擁有該檔案,造成來自世 界各地的存取都必須前往唯一的資料中心存取檔案,使得跨國甚至跨 洲的存取有很大的傳輸負擔。因此,勢必需要一個整合平台與多副本 儲存方式並結合這些位於世界各地的儲存器來解決全球性存取的問 題,同時,這些副本該分別存放在哪些地方才能更有效地增強效能與 減少花費也是考量的重點。在這篇論文中,我們開發了一聯邦式雲端 儲存系統,可結合現今多數的雲端儲存器,同時提出一動態副本管理 演算法,根據不同的使用狀況與行為,動態地調整副本存放的位置, 達到提高效能與降低花費的目的。


As more and more enterprises and personal users move their data to cloud storage, performance and cost consumption are getting more and more important for user. Cloud service provides global infrastructures by building data centers at different locations. In addition, single replica can not handle user’s global access behaviors such as changing access pattern or sharing data across continents. A single platform which is capable to combine all of the cloud storage in different locations and benefit from global infrastructure to solve the global access problem is necessary. Furthermore, where should the replica be stored to make the system has higher performance and lower cost consumption should also be considered. In this paper, we develop a federated cloud storage system that combines multiple cloud storage into a single platform, and propose a dynamic replica placement algorithm that can decide the best replica placement according to different workloads and user behaviors.


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