  • 學位論文


Electronic Systems for Digital Interactive Art Installation

指導教授 : 馬席彬


二戰後,工程師與藝術家對於科技和藝術的結合開始產生興趣。自從那時 起,這兩種領域的專家合作而產生的藝術作品和互動裝置被稱為電腦藝術,且這類作品也常在世界各地的展覽中展出。而隨著科技的日益進步,電腦藝術作品的種類也愈來愈多,所以需要精確的分類方法來指出各種作品的差別。本文中提出的分類方法指出數位作品的三種特性:邏輯實作、隨機性和系統化,並列舉多個數位藝術作品且分析其特性。 除了分類方法,本文亦提出一個應用於數位互動藝術裝置動態間轉換的電子系統。該裝置接收到來自參觀者的刺激訊號後會引發一連串的回饋運動。除此之外,在手機平板的行動裝置端亦可以接收並觀察此訊號。此數位互動藝術裝置主要由無線加速度感測器、藍芽模組、微處理器控制板、直流馬達、鋁合金管、塑膠球、發光二極體(LED)、有色布料組成。無線加速度感測器操作在3.3 伏特,由藍芽模組、動作感測晶片及一個用來負責控制資料流向的現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)構成。當微處理器控制板由藍芽收到加速度刺激後會使馬達啟動,接收到的峰值大小決定馬達的轉動週期和最大旋轉角度;除此之外,微處理器上亦有寫入一高通濾波器來濾掉加速度偏壓(offset)。為了使馬達轉動更有變化,不同的馬達可以設定不同的延遲;而在光的部份亦有使用亮暗漸近變化的發光二極體來使作品的表現更豐富。該作品曾在新竹生活美學館參展,和其他傳統作品比起來顯得極具前瞻性。 監視軟體由Android 平台的內建物件函數構成,除了可以即時讀取並顯示數位波形外,亦可以用來檢查感測器是否有過大的偏壓和是否需要調整濾波器參數。


After World War II, engineers and artists became interested in the integration of technology and arts. Since then, computer arts have represented this kind of art work and their interactive installations have been exhibited around the world. With the developing of computer arts, the variety of art works has been growing wider each day. Thus, characteristic classifications should be adopted. Three main characteristics, logic implementations, randomness, and systematization, can be found in computer arts. In this thesis, we have developed electronic systems for a digital interactive art installation that shows a motion-to-motion art work and a software monitor. The art work receives stimulations from visitors and gives a series of movements as a feedback. The software monitor is constructed in the iPad or the cellphone to wirelessly observe the stimulation signals. The art installation is mainly composed of wireless acceleration sensors, Bluetooth modules, Arduino boards, DC motors, aluminum alloys, beach balls, LED stripes, and color fabrics. Each wireless sensor, operating at 3.3 volts, consists of a commercial Bluetooth module, a motion tracking integrated circuit, and a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) for controls between these two elements. Upon receiving stimulations, the sensors set off a series of movements on the motors which are controlled by Arduino boards as motion feedbacks. The amplitude of accelerations defines the active durations of the motors. The determination of the durations is processed in the Arduino board with a digital high-pass filter for eliminating the offset. Besides, different delays for different motors can be set to exhibit further visual effects. To attract more attention from visitors, LED stripes with gradual changes of brightness are adopted by the pulse-width modulation (PWM) which is also controlled in the Arduino board. This work was exhibited in National Living Arts Center in HsinChu for a month, which appeared a lot more contemporary when it is compared to other traditional works. The software monitor is developed with built-in functions provided by the Android system that can observe not only digital values but the waveforms of the raw stimulation signals in real time. This monitor has two main functions. The first one is to check whether the wireless sensors carry large offsets after lots of stimulations from visitors. The second one is to check whether adjusting the filter parameters is required.


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