  • 學位論文


The Study of Value Co-creation of The Production Committee Model in Japan by Actor-Network Theory: Implications for Taiwan's Original Comics in Digital Content and Co-creation Community Development

指導教授 : 林福仁


受到資訊科技發展影響,數位內容已是現代文化發展的主要方式,臺灣數位內容產業在軟硬體技術能力上發展快速,但最根本的挑戰在「原創內容的產出」上,其次就是「原創內容的商業化經營」。前者關係到創作者的素養與文化教育的基礎,後者則是產業價值提昇的關鍵。目前數位內容已逐漸成為「使用數位工具(軟體/器材)直接進行數位化檔案創作,並將數位化平台作為首要發表管道的作品」。內容產出者則是整合「原創故事、視覺、音樂、互動介面」的團隊。各種專業服務圍繞著原創內容為核心,透過相互連結而靈活的網路生產服務系統共同創造價值,給網絡中的利益相關者共享。 在文化創意與數位內容領域,漫畫是最基礎的存在形式之一。本研究觀察日本動漫畫製作委員會運作模式,並運用行動者網絡理論(Actor Network Theory,ANT),探討臺灣數位內容產業鏈的重構與創新之可能性。並尋找在以漫畫為核心之數位內容產業鏈中進行內容產出的創新服務系統,服務創新的要件和驅動要素、服務創新的流程與活動、以及服務的創新型態。為臺灣數位內容創新服務提供一個可能性,作為數位內容產業鏈可應用的參考方向。


Impacted by the evolution of information technology, digital content has been the major form of modern cultural development. The path of the software and hardware development for digital content industry in Taiwan is comparatively fast. However, the industry still struggles for the creation of original content as well as the right business models for the ever changing markets. The former is resulted from the education and the cultural attainment of profession, and the latter is the key successful factor for improving the total value of the industry. It has been a normal practice the people directly use computer tools to create digital content and then publish their works through the digital platforms on the internet. Content producers become the integrators to orchestrate the different teams of storytelling, visual effect, musical composition, and user interface design. All these professional services as mentioned above accomplish the core of the original content. The profit sharing mechanism for all the actors in the network is achieved by interconnecting the professional services in the value chain of the industry. In the domain of cultural creation and digital content, comic is a fundamental material. This research discusses the possible alternative ways to reform the value chain of the digital content industry in Taiwan by investigating the Production Committee Model in Japan and applying the Actor Network Theory. The goal of this research is to find out the methods, workflows and driving factors to make an innovated service system for comic industry in Taiwan. This research shows the insight of providing a feasible way to form a new industry value chain for the digital content industry in Taiwan.


賴鳳霙、譚鴻仁(2011)。臺中合樸農學市集的形成過程:行動者網絡理論的觀點。地理研究。54。19 - 42。
