  • 學位論文


Symbol of Writer, the display, the field: the Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute

指導教授 : 柳書琴


本文以鍾理和紀念館為研究對象,探討文學論述、電影敘事、展示政治、文化場域和地方社群之間彼此交織的過程,及其反映出的文化意涵。鍾理和作為台灣1950年代的重要作家,自1970年代開啟作家經典化工程,歷年來透過全集出版、電影改編和作家紀念館等方式,確立台灣文學經典作家的地位,其發展歷程恰好反映出台灣近三十年來政治、社會與文化的變動,也是我們另一種認識台灣文學的途徑。同時,紀念館透過長年的在地深耕與跨界連結等方式,使其作為美濃社區博物館的一環,發揮著不同於其他文學館舍的社會職能。近年來台灣的文學博物館舍有快速增加的趨勢,鍾理和紀念館恰好提供我們一個反思文學、文學館舍如何參與當代社會的具體案例。   本文依序從三個層面推進分析,第二章首先重新耙梳台灣與中國學者的鍾理和經典化歷程和各階段的研究特點,觀察鍾理和如何因其特殊經歷與作品文本吸引兩岸學者的關注,並大致形成兩種作家符號與敘事,即追求台灣主體性的本土論述,以及強調兩岸左翼與民族統一的統派論述。第三章重構鍾理和紀念館發展史,透過對展示政治的剖析,指出紀念館主要以去殖民的台灣本土化典範為敘事史觀,然中期與近期展示在敘事手法上存在著顯著差異。中期展示積極訴求觀者的情感認同,召喚台灣民族主義,近期改為凝鍊化的中性話語,大幅開放作家符號的詮釋邊界。第四章則進一步分析蓄積了豐富文化象徵資本的紀念館場域如何發揮文化影響力及其效應。紀念館分別透過文學營、文學地景和各項文化再生產等實踐拓展、活化和傳播作家符號,深耕地方社群與人才培育,並延續自美濃反水庫以降的社區意識與生態保育,形成小而穩健的民間文化基地。上述研究成果顯示,歷經從強調中華文化正統、台灣本土化運動到今日多元文化與族群共存的社會,鍾理和紀念館的作家意象與館舍定位也與時俱進,其研究案例在當代台灣別具意義。


Since 1970s the process of becoming a classic began, including the publication of the complete works, biographical film and the Memorial Institute, today Zhong Lihe has been a 1950s Taiwan classical author. This development reflect the political, social and cultural changes in Taiwan over the past 30 years, also is a another way to understand Taiwan literature. Meanwhile, through the lasting local participation and across-boundary cooperation for years, the Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute as a part of Meinong neighborhood museums plays the important role different from other literary museums. Recently years Taiwan literary museum increases, there is a good case providing us for thinking how the role of literature and literary museums in the contemporary society can be. This research as the Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute a core, explored the complicated interaction between literary discourses, film narrative, politics of exhibition, cultural fields and local communities, as well as the interpretations of them. There are three steps to analyse. The second chapter I reexamine the procsse of becoming classic in Taiwanese and Chinese scholar, figuring out the distinguishing features of each periods. Because of the special life experience and ambiguous works, Zhong Lihe has attracted cross-Strait scholar’s attention, and approximately there are two type of discourses about author. One pursues the subjectivity and indigenization of Taiwanese iiterature, the other emphasizes the cross-Strait reunification of left-winf and nation. The third chapter restructure the history of the Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute, indicating that the exhibition narrative strategy always based on the indigenization of Taiwanese iiterature, but there are some subtle differences. The middle-stage of display appealed to affection of visitor, invoking Taiwanese nationalism. And it condensed into short, self-contained and objective narrative, opening the interpretative perspectives of the writer’s symbol. The fourth chapter further elaborated the field of the Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute how to diffuse its cultural influence and effect. By means of the Lishan literary camps, literary landscape and various cultural reproductions, the memorial institute extends, activates and communicates the symbol of Zhong Lihe. It inherits the social participation and ecological conservation of Meinung Anti-dam Movement, a small but firm civil cultural base has taken shape. The research above will show that from the chinese orthodoxy, indigenization of Taiwan to today the co-existence of multi-culture and ethnic, the author image and position of the Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute has changed several times, and this specific case is significant in Taiwan.


張良澤,〈鍾理和作品中的日本經驗與祖國經驗〉,《中外文學》2卷11期(1974年4月),頁 32-57。
蕭阿勤,〈民族主義與台灣1970年代的「鄉土文學」:一個文化(集體)記憶變遷的探討〉,《台灣史研究》6卷2期(1999年12月),頁77 - 138。
