  • 學位論文

人間佛國裡的佛光小姐: 青春女性的宗教工作經驗及自我追求

Miss Fo Guang in the “Pure Land on Earth” : Working Experiences, Religiosities, and the Senses of Being Oneself of Young Females Workers in Fo Guang Shan

指導教授 : 李威宜




佛光山 新自由主義 工作 宗教性 性別 自我


This article examines how Fo Guang Shan monastery transforms its operating mode to adapt to the religious market under Neoliberalism. This organization built the Buddha Memorial Center and employs unmarried young females as tour guides. Those young females called Miss Fo Guang. Miss Fo Guang guides visitors to experience the “Pure Land on Earth” in this Buddhism theme park. For them, work is not just for economic income, but a field of self-actualization. Therefore, individualization and psychologicalization of working experiences involve the issues about: the senses of being oneself and the question “who I am”. This thesis begins with the daily life of Miss Fo Guang, analyzes the external and objective environmental conditions, and then enters the internal and subjective world of the individual. In conclusion, under restrictions of religious work, gender, or economic conditions, people still can create new meanings of work and imagine possible future through understanding and facing themselves.


Fo Guang Shan Neoliberalism work religiosity gender self


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