  • 學位論文


The Influence of Team Setting on its Performance in Project Based Teams

指導教授 : 謝英哲


In present, the government of most of countries has implemented diverse project based programs in order to activate academic institutions they own. Meanwhile, teaching staff has been trying to develop innovative curriculums as attracting foreign students, establishing international programs according with student's career training for their future. This effort could effect in a long-term perspective for students in academics.(Choi SeungBae, Lee JungHwan, Yoon HyeKyung, Moon KeeHee, and Kim KyuGon, 2003). However, we shouldn't overlook that this could be just temporary tools by provision of beneficial project based programs to students for term-time. Therefore, we need to be aware of constraints of project based team management as students aspect not the sponsor(teaching staff) aspect to gain a successful project performance by knowing the influence of team setting on its performance. In this study, I used deep qualitative research to grasp reality of project based team management in academic institutions with 37 of current students. The conclusion shows diverse managerial implications involved with group setting issues.


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