  • 學位論文


Exploring corporate development and transformation from the viewpoint of business ecosystem: A case study of T company.

指導教授 : 謝英哲


商業生態系統最早是由Moore (1993) 提出,他提出一個全新的概念,說明關鍵企業控制了該產業的核心,周邊企業或組織圍繞著核心發展,彼此緊密連接,形成一個類似生態系統的商業網路,我們稱之為商業生態系統(Business ecosystem),本篇研究將以商業生態系統為基礎,帶入個案進行研究與討論。 淡水的發展在這幾十年來快速崛起,古早漁村行業沒落,市容風貌劇變,樹立各式電子招牌,而古早人的飲食文化也無心插柳,意外演變為今日伴手禮市場的主力軍,也是觀光產業中不可或缺的一環。 研究者看到淡水觀光業蓬勃發展很有感觸,好奇當地的傳統飲食文化是如何經歷五、六十年不被淘汰,反倒如日中天成為重要的主角。本篇研究透過個案故事述說整個魚丸魚酥的起源、過程及發展,並利用Moore (1993) 所提出的商業生態系統理論,將個案公司的發展史劃分為四階段進行討論,並分解個案公司的經營手法,套入學術理論,探討其中可能成功的關鍵因素,並且利用波士頓顧問集團所提出的『BCG矩陣』來定位該公司產品事業的發展方向,提供個案公司之主力產品的發展建議與討論,也列出個案公司昔日在經營上的挑戰,供讀者思考反證與日後企業經營之參考依據。


The business ecosystem was first proposed by Moore (1993). He proposed a new concept which indicates that key enterprises control the core of the industry whereas surrounding businesses or organizations revolve around the core, connecting to form a business network similar to an ecological system. We call that a business ecosystem. This case study is based on the theory of a business ecosystem. The development of Danshui has rapidly increased within the past few decades. For example, the cityscape has drastically changed, many billboards have been set up, and early food cultures have also unexpectedly grown more popular, becoming an indispensable part of the tourism industry. Deeply impressed by the flourishing development of Danshui, the aim of this study is to explore how the traditional food culture has been sustained for at least six decades. This single case study examines the origins, processes and development of fish balls and adopts the business ecosystem theory proposed by Moore (1993) to divide the case study into four stages for discussion. This study adopts the business ecosystem theory to analyze the management strategy and discuss the possible determining factors for success. Additionally, this study adopts the theory proposed by The Boston Consulting Group to determine the future development of the products in this case and provide recommendations and discussions. Lastly, this case study identifies the challenges that lie in its management and serves as a future reference for readers.


Business ecosystem Danshui fish ball fish crisp tourism BCG theory


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