  • 學位論文


The Role of Negatives in the Bipolar Question and Scalar Structure in Southern Min: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective

指導教授 : 連金發


本文以臺灣閩南語(下簡稱「臺閩語」)否定詞「毋、無、未」為研究對象,主要由功能角度探索三者在不同分布位置,甚至是構式上的競爭;並擴及方言間的比較,企圖整理出發展的共性或類型的殊性。 首先,「毋/無」在「VP-Neg」的合流破壞了語法系統的平衡,為彌補該缺口,將使借自國語的新形式「VP-Neg-VP」與「VP-嗎」獲得融入臺閩語法系統的機會,甚至進一步擴張其佔有比例;此外,根據文獻資料顯示,上述現象的發生與擴展也和國民政府時期的語言政策有關。然而,若將「VP-嗎」完全視為二戰後借自國語的形式,卻又無法解釋何以二戰終戰前的文獻也可發現不少用例;這部分若由本文查考資料來看,終戰前的「VP-嗎」應來自潮州系統的影響,不應與戰後來自國語系統者視為同一。 第二,過往看待「未」傳達的時間概念並不一致,本文認為「未」原是用以否定梅廣(2015:309-329)提出的「合成完成體」,另透過詮釋者(interpreter)的主觀性(subjectivity)分成顯性和隱性兩種用法,相較之下顯性用法的主觀性較強,隱性用法雖比較客觀,但須在前者比較減弱時才得以顯現。此外,「未」也與同樣具有[+時間性]特徵的「不」和「沒」在「Neg+經驗體標記」格式上具競爭關係。北方方言由使用度最廣的「不」勝出,並進一步向其他兩者進逼;「未」除固守南方方言外,也被迫退居其他用法;同屬北方方言的「沒」則快速消退。以上發現除與楊榮祥(1999)的看法不同外,更顯示詞彙競爭反映在地理分布上的殘跡。 第三,「無」與名詞性疑問代詞組成的[無啥物XP]可表「微量」(paucal)概念,指「某具象或抽象事物的實際量(X)較預設值微小」,如[無啥物人](不太多人)。其中X的可能成分更須受[+等級化]限制,若為形容詞還另突顯[+正極性]限制,這部分可由「等級模式」(scalar model)(Fauconnier 1975a, 1975b)獲得具體詮釋。文中也探討了「啥物」如何由定語轉用作狀語的語法化(grammaticalization)(Hopper and Traugott 2003)過程。 除了共時層面外,本文也從歷時語料推論,[無啥物NP]應是對譯北方漢語的[沒什麼NP]而來,但兩者在後世發展上卻不相同,當後接VP成分時,北方漢語須改以[不怎麼VP]呈現,臺閩語則可直接擴張為[無啥物VP]。這背後應與方言否定系統類型的相異有關,不同於北方漢語的並存系統,和臺閩語同屬南方方言的客家話和粵語皆為單一系統,顯示本構式上具有區分方言地理的意義。然而,方言類型劃分的觀點卻在詮釋馬來西亞和港澳的粵語上出現歧異,其中前者維持單一系統;後者卻出現並存系統的情況。對此本文查考早期粵語文獻發現,「微量」構式於港澳粵語初生之時同樣為單一系統:[無乜XP],但在近100多年間,進一步加入了[毋點VP],甚至融合形式[無乜點VP],本文認為這應是受到大陸移民潮以及回歸後的普通話政策影響所致。


閩南語 正反問句 程度結構 否定詞 共時 歷時


In the light of functional grammar, this dissertation will discuss the negatives ‘毋’, ‘無’ and ‘未’ in Taiwanese Southern Min (abbreviated as TSM). To detect the developmental universality and typological particularity, I will explore the competition between these negators in different structural positions, construction and dialects. This dissertation features three new findings. First, the merger of ‘毋’ and ‘無’ in ‘VP-Neg’ could destroy the balance of the Chinese grammar system. To make up for the gap, the new forms, ‘VP-Neg-VP’ and ‘VP-ma’, borrowed from Mandarin Chinese, could emerge in TSM. Besides, ‘VP-ma’ found in the records before the end of World War II originating from the Chouzhou variety of Southern Min, and it should not be regarded as being borrowed from Mandarin Chinese after the War. Second, I argue that ‘未’ is used to negate the composite perfect aspect. A cognitive schema will be presented to demonstrate the different uses of ‘未’ for which ‘have not’ is the main and objective meaning, while ‘never’ and ‘have not yet’ involve the speaker’s subjectivity. In addition, I will show a competition between ‘未’ and ‘不’ (used as ‘毋’) in view of the structure [Neg + experiential aspect marker]. Although diachronically, ‘未’ occurs earlier than ‘不’, it is ‘不’ that has been used much more extensively in daily conversations and northern Chinese. Finally, ‘無’ could be found in the paucal construction [Neg wh- XP] meaning ‘few, barely’. In the light of the scalar model (Fauconnier 1975a, 1975b) I will show that the elements found in XP should possess the feature [+scalar] to account for the paucal construction satisfactorily. For adjectives, in particular, the feaure [+positive] will figure prominently as well. In addition, I will use this construction to figure out the difference between northern Chinese and southern Chinese including TSM, Hakka, and Cantonese. Paucal constructions fall into two types: [沒what NP] and [不how VP] in northern Chinese. By contrast, there is only one form, [無 what XP], in southern Chinese. Moreover, I will also deal with the grammaticalization of ‘wh-’(啥物) in conjunction with the paucal construction in TSM.


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Yang, Y. J. (2017). 閩南語否定詞‘不 m7’、‘無 bo5’、‘袂 be7’、‘未 bue7’、‘勿 mai3’歷時演變初探 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201816103049
