  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Career Self-concept and Career Decision-making Difficulties of Junior High School Students - Social Support as a Moderator

指導教授 : 古明峰博士


本研究主要在探討國中生社會支持與生涯自我概念對其生涯決定困難的影響,以及檢驗國中生社會支持在生涯自我概念與生涯決定困難間的調節效果。本研究以問卷調查法蒐集資料,使用內容包含「個人基本資料」、「社會支持量表」、「生涯自我概念量表」與「生涯決定困難量表」。研究樣本為新竹縣國民中學九年級學生,有效樣本共583人。所得資料以單因子變異數分析、積差相關、典型相關及階層迴歸分析進行處理,研究結果如下: 一、國中生感受的社會支持屬中高程度。國中女生感受的同儕支持顯著高於男學生;來自於中、高家庭社經背景的國中生感受到的家人支持顯著高於低家庭社經背景的 國中生。 二、國中生的生涯自我概念達相當清晰的程度,國中男生之生涯能力及生涯認識顯著高於國中女生,不同社經家庭地位之國中生的生涯自我概念則無顯著差異。 三、國中生的生涯決定困難的程度為「中等」。不同性別及不同家庭社經地位的國中生在生涯決定困難的部分層面存在顯著差異。 四、國中生的社會支持與生涯自我概念有顯著中度正相關。 五、國中生的社會支持與生涯決定困難無顯著相關,但國中生的社會支持與生涯決定困難的錯誤觀念層面呈現顯著正相關、與不知如何取得資料及外在衝突則有顯著 負相關。 六、國中生的生涯自我概念與生涯決定困難有顯著負相關,二者間並有具顯著意義的四組典型相關因素存在。 七、國中生「生涯自我概念」的5個層面中除「生涯認識」外,皆能有效預測生涯決定困難。另外,國中生的「師長支持」對「生涯決定困難」亦有顯著的正向預測 力。 八、國中生的社會支持對生涯自我概念與生涯決定困難並無調節效果。 最後,依據本研究結果提出相關建議,以供實務運用以及未來研究參考。 關鍵字: 社會支持、生涯自我概念、生涯決定困難


The aim of the study was to explore the differences and relationships among social support, career self-concept, and career decision-making difficulties of junior high school students in terms of their different backgrounds; and to examine the moderating effect of social support on the relationship of career self-concept and career decision-making difficulties. This study was based on the Questionnaire Survey of 583 junior high students from fifteen schools in Hsinchu County. The obtained data of Social Support Scale, Career Self-concept Scale, and Career Decision-making Difficulties Scale were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, canonical correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The social support perceived by junior high school students was above the average. For junior high school students, they perceived peer support the most. The girls felt more peer support than the boys did. However, there were no significant differences in the variable of different family social economic statuses. 2. The career self-concept of junior high school students was fairly clear. The boys have better career ability and career knowledge of career self-concept than the girls did. However, there were no significant differences in the variable of different family social economic statuses. 3. The career decision-making difficulties of junior high school students were moderate. There were also significant differences in the variable of different genders and family social economic statuses in terms of career decision-making difficulties. 4. There was significant medium positive correlation between social support and career self-concept. 5. There was no significant correlation between social support and career decision-making difficulties. However, there was significant positive correlation between social support and dysfunctional myths, and significant negative correlation between social support and lack of information about ways of obtaining additional information and external conflicts. 6. There was significant negative correlation between career self-concept and career decision-making difficulties. Also, there were four significant canonical correlations between career self-concept and career decision-making difficulties. 7. The predictabilities of career interest, career ability, career ambition, career value, and teacher support on career decision-making difficulties were significant. 8. There was no interaction effect between social support and career self-concept in career decision-making difficulties of junior high school students. Based on these results, suggestions for career guidance and future researches were discussed and proposed. Keywords: Social Support, Career Self-concept, Career Decision-making Difficulties


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