  • 學位論文


Changing Roles of Earth God:An Ethnography of the Earth God Temple at National Chiao-Tung University.

指導教授 : 陳中民


土地公掌管的事務包羅萬象,猶如地方基層主管,雖然神格不高,卻可說是台灣最日常化、最普遍、最親近民眾的民間信仰。位於交通大學光復校區大門對面的光明福德宮土地公廟(又稱交大土地公、仙草蜜土地公)在大小考試季節前後,總有許多信徒與學子前來祈求保佑與金榜題名,這位土地公也以只喝泰山仙草蜜、近似文昌帝君角色的形象深植大家心中,香火十分鼎盛,年輕信徒的頻繁走踏與滿供桌的仙草蜜形成了特別的景象。 本文欲使用田野調查輔以文獻回顧的方法,探討統整光明福德宮的沿革、現況、組織與信徒的活動,是什麼樣的契機讓這間小廟不只在新竹地區十分有名,名聲甚至擴及全台?並試圖分析這位土地公所具有的特殊角色與功能,也討論台灣人民間信仰中功利主義以及靈驗與香火鼎盛之間的循環,期望能以此論文作為信仰文化的留存與參考,及作為土地公信仰一個「特殊性案例」的探討。


In Taiwanese folk religion, Earth God oversees all matters just like a community supervisor. This divine being although not the supreme one, is considered the most common and popular with the masses. Guangming Fu-Teh Temple:The Earth God Temple (also known as the Earth God at NCTU and nicknamed the Earth God who loves Grass Jelly) locales at the NCTU Guangfu Campus. During major examinations, many believers and students come to this temple to pray and ask for blessings so they can pass their exams. The grass jelly brand identified with the Earth God is “TAISUN Mesona Tea”. Frequent visitors and young devotees as well as an altar filled with grass jelly cans are a common sight. This study aims to explore and analyze Guangming Fu-Teh Temple, its history, current status, organization and activities of believers by means of field survey and literature review. It discusses the evolution of this small temple, which has gained popularity not only in Hsinchu but also in entire Taiwan. It also analyzes the special persona and function of the Earth God. Furthermore, it discusses the utilitarianism of Taiwanese folk beliefs and the relationship between efficacy and good attendance. The researcher hopes that this thesis can serve as a reference on folk beliefs and initiate further studies about the Earth God.


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