  • 學位論文


Actions and Restrictions of HIV-infected Inmates and HIV-infected After-inmates Under Multiple Governance Networks

指導教授 : 林文蘭


大約在2004到2006年間,矯正機關開始檢驗出許多HIV感染者,多數在矯正機關的HIV收容人與靜脈注射藥物/毒品有高度關聯,由於共用針頭和稀釋液,許多「靜脈注射毒品施用者」(intravenous drug users, IDUs)在監所被驗出HIV,也讓政府開始重視此一「高危險群」以及感染HIV的靜脈注射毒品施用者之存在。本文透過監所內外的田野觀察,包括進入監內從事團體活動、參與更生人團體,以及深度訪談等作為研究方法,探討這些HIV感染者與愛滋治理網絡之間的互動關係為何?具監所經驗的HIV收容人和更生人如何被愛滋治理網絡收編或排除?他們在HIV感染者和收容人或更生人身分下,座落在什麼樣的雙重枷鎖?又具備何種行動能力? 本研究發現從監內的愛滋專區乃至出監後的生活,HIV感染者接受的監管不只限於以防治愛滋為目的之愛滋治理網絡,尚包含以犯罪防治為目的之刑事司法治理網絡和以毒品防治為目的的毒品治理網絡,這三大網絡即為本文所述之多重治理網絡,此網絡涉及公共衛生、醫療、司法、警政、社福、宗教等不同領域,來自不同領域的行動者懷著迥異的目的與價值觀共同在監所內為HIV感染者提供服務、處遇(treatment),一直從監所內延伸到監所外,提供HIV感染者協助與服務的同時,也限制感染者們的自由和發展。此外,本文亦探討感染者的行動能力以及與藥/毒品之間的關係,其中的過程並非「戒毒成功/戒毒失敗」截然二分,多數人介於其間,進進出出監所,在漫長的過程中漸漸失去許多社會關係,但同時也從監所或藥友網絡中結識更多朋友,彼此除了從事用藥/毒品、販毒外,同時也互相支持。


From 2004 to 2006, the number of HIV-positive inmates greatly increased in the prisons of Taiwan. Inmates infected with HIV are mainly because of unsafe intravenous drug use and the increase of HIV-infected inmates was getting government’s attention. This thesis discusses three issues. The first one is the interaction between HIV-infected inmates, after-inmates and the governance network of HIV prevention. Second, how are HIV-infected inmates and after-inmates brought into and unconsciously excluded by the governance network of HIV prevention? Finally, what kind of the restrictions do HIV-infected inmates and after-inmates have when possessing the identities of both an inmate or after-inmate and an HIV-infected person? Also, how do they lead their lives with these restrictions? The research methods include participant observation on inmates’ and after-inmates’ group activity and in-depth interviews inside and outside the prisons. At first, the thesis is mainly about the relation between the inmates, after-inmates and the governance network of HIV prevention. However, in addition to HIV prevention, crime and drug abuse prevention are also involved and the three form the multiple governance networks for the HIV-infected inmates and after-inmates. The network includes organizations of medical care, criminal justice, social welfare, religion, and so on. Many actors from the organizations above provide their intervention, which is called treatments in the prison, and have different expectations for HIV-infected inmates and after-inmates. However, these actors attempt to achieve different goals through the intervention for HIV-infected inmates and after-inmates, but their goals are inconsistent for they belong to different organizations. Another finding in the research is the HIV-infected inmates and after-inmates’ response to the restrictions that is caused by their identities of HIV-infected person and inmate or after-inmate as well as their personal drug abuse history. The truth is that there is no definite failure or success of stopping doing drugs for them because they do not always do drug during their lifetime. Sometimes they don't and seem to stop doing drugs successfully, but sometimes they do when they are in need of drugs. This is the HIV-infected intravenous drug users’ dynamic process of doing and quitting drugs. Due to drug abuse, HIV-infected intravenous drug users gradually lose their social contact with people outside the prison, but at the same time establish the social network with people who are also intravenous drug users. They become familiar because of the habit of doing drugs and the experiences in the prison they share. These people do drugs or commit crimes together, but besides the illegal acts, some of them may be friends or partners supporting each other’s daily lives.


白芸慧、柯乃熒,2008,〈愛滋與性病感染者之知會伴侶〉。《愛之關懷季刊》 64:37-46。
