  • 學位論文


Youth, Governance, and Film Production: Case Analysis of two NGOs and their youth participators in China

指導教授 : 古明君


1980年代中國改革開放後,國家已無法全面掌控影像生產,更多的行動者進入影像生產的場域中,特別是出現許多由NGO主導、青年為參與者的青年紀錄影像計畫。本研究關注於「青年拍紀錄片」之現象,探討「青年」與「影像」之間如何被建構?誰動員青年進入影像生產之中?國家、NGO與青年在青年紀錄影像計畫中如何想像與實踐?影像計畫的實作過程如何可能?本研究立足於中國社會個體化的理論脈絡下,以青年紀錄影像計畫作為例,探討其中國家對社會治理的變化,以及青年個人如何回應社會變遷。 本研究採取兩個青年紀錄影像計畫作為個案分析,研究方法以深度訪談與文本分析為主。訪談對象為青年紀錄影像計畫中的NGO工作人員與青年參與者,分別設計二種半結構式訪談大綱。以新聞文本與影像計畫招募文案作為文本分析之資料,分析影視產業政策變遷與影像計畫的青年動員論述。 本研究發現:一、青年紀錄影像計畫的誕生,是由於青年對新的社會集體之需求、NGO為了提倡其文化理念與創造新的道德價值,以及國家對青年治理手段變革,此三方面所致的結果。二、透過兩個案歸納出「協作型」與「競賽型」的青年紀錄影像計畫,呈現出青年與NGO在互動過程與行動策略的差異,以及NGO與國家之間的治理關係。


青年 治理 影像生產 紀錄片 個體化


After reform and opening-up policy has been implemented in China since 1980s, more and more actors have participated in the field of film production, especially non-governmental organizations(NGOs) and youth. This study focuses on the phenomenon of “youth filming documentary,” which explores how “youth” and “film” are constructed. Who mobilizes youth into the field of film production? How do state, NGOs, and youth imagine and practice in “youth filming documentary” project? How is the process of the “youth filming documentary” project? Based on the theory of individualization in Chinese society, this study takes the “youth filming documentary” project as examples to discuss the change in state’s governance and youth’s responds to social change. In this study, two “youth filming documentary” projects were taken as case studies. The research methods were mainly based on in-depth interview and textual analysis. Two kinds of semi-constructed interview outlines were designed for two groups of interviewees respectively, one interview outline for four NGO staff members and the other for eight youth participators in the “youth filming documentary” program. This study found that: (1) The emergence of “youth filming documentary” projects results from the demand for new social community from youth, the promotion of new values by NGOs, as well as the change of the governance means by the state; (2) With two cases categorized into two types, the differences of interactions between NGOs and youth are manifest, and so is the relationship between NGOs and the state.


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