  • 學位論文


Myth and Reality of “the third kind of person”: A study of marriage and work of female PhD/student in Beijing.

指導教授 : 沈秀華


隨著中國高等教育擴張政策的影響,中國女博士群體日益壯大。中國女博士在就學期間,多半正逢婚嫁的適齡階段,而她們婚戀也受到中國社會的廣大關注。中國社會出現了廣為流傳的有關女博士的傳說:世界上有三種人,男人、女人與第三種人。女博士在中國社會普遍被認為是婚戀難、擇偶難,她們的婚戀被來自網絡、媒體、國家政府與社會大眾等四面八方的群體給汙名化。 本研究採用深入訪談研究法,研究對象為北京地區的中國女博士。通過訪談她們的擇偶觀、婚戀觀、戀愛經歷、婚姻、經驗學業與工作經歷、婚姻與工作偏好、對第三種人汙名的態度,來考察中國女博士的社會處境經驗。研究發現中國女博士雖擁有「文化資本」,但卻也因為這種資本為其間接帶來負面的汙名。中國社會出現了對女博士的吊詭的看法,一方面對女博士的地位給予尊敬,另一方面又相當排斥女博士的身分。中國女博士在研究領域的傑出表現,被視為是特立獨行。她們的形象不符合人們對於女性的想像時,被給予汙名化。而實際上,中國女博士在婚戀與擇偶上兼具了傳統與現代性,她們一方面表現出個人的獨立自主意識,另一方面又深受中國傳統觀念的影響,渴望婚姻,認為婚姻家庭是圓滿人生的關鍵,也願意為了婚姻家庭犧牲奉獻。從讀博到工作的經驗發現,這些女博士的決定無不以未來的婚姻家庭生活為考量。從各種資料分析上也發現,中國女博士普遍有戀愛經驗,而非婚戀難的群體。賦予中國女博士第三種人的稱謂,暗示了中國仍然是一個父權社會,中國社會普遍對於女博士,更準確地說,應該是對於菁英女性仍然有著許多限制。


With recent expansion of the higher education policy in China, the number of female PhD students in China has increased significantly. However, during the years of their graduate studies, at their late twenties to early thirties, it is also the period in which they face great social pressure to get married. Therefore, their marital status has become a great concern in the Chinese society. There is a popular saying widely spread in China society: “There are three kinds of people—male, female and the third kind of person.” Female PhDs in China are generally considered to be hard to find a suitable man to get married and they are categorized as “the third kind of person.” They are stigmatized by the government, the social media, and the public in China. Based on qualitative research, I interviewed 14 female PhD/ students in Beijing by asking their attitudes toward and experiences of love, criteria of choosing a spouse, marriage, schooling and work. This research finds that although the female PhDs in China have the culture capital, they still indirectly suffer stigmatization by their high education and achievements. A paradoxical view of female PhDs appear in the Chinese society: On the one hand, the status of PhD is respected; on the other hand, the identity of female PhDs is disregarded, particularly related to their marital status. I found that Chinese female PhDs are struggling with their traditional and modernist views on marriage in particular and life in general. Through high education, they gain social and economic independence but shaped by Chinese traditional culture, they feel that marriage is very crucial if it is not the most important matter to fulfill their life. Many of them are willing to sacrifice their career for their marriage and family. Many of them make their career decisions according to the conditions of their intimate and family life. Against the conventional belief in Chinese society that female PhDs tend to remain single, my finding suggests that many of them actually get married eventually. By calling Chinese female PhDs as “the third kind of person,” the Chinese society shows that it is still a highly patriarchal society. Highly achieved female professional, like the ones who have gained a PhD degree, still live a rather restricted life regarding intimate and working conditions in today’s China.


中國教育部,1998,〈面向21世紀教育振興行動計畫〉。《中華人民共和國國務院公報》2: 37-50。
Female Doctoral Students and Recent Graduates.” Psychology of Women Quarterly ,
