  • 學位論文


Marriages of Convenience: The Alternative Family of China's LGBT Communities

指導教授 : 沈秀華


本研究旨在了解當代中國興起的形式婚姻如何運作與協商,以及作為一種另類成家方式的可能與不可能。本文對形式婚姻的定義是指男同性戀者和女同性戀者因為家庭與社會結婚壓力,進而約定舉辦異性戀婚禮甚至在法律上領取結婚證,希望在制度認可的異性婚姻身份中,以婚姻對象彼此間知道其性取向為前提,繼續其同性性愛關係。 本文依照時間序,描寫形式婚姻的運作過程。本文認為雖然形婚能主動透過展演爭取同性性愛空間,但其主動程度可以多大程度地延伸,需要考量形式婚姻建立網絡中的多方行動者,並且在不同層面積極的協商妥協,否則形式婚姻將難以維持。同性戀社群與同性伴侶對形婚有促進媒合的功能,並透過交流討論與協商來減低婚姻中的風險感。其中,同性伴侶的關係時常與形婚關係互相競爭。在各個層面的協商中,形婚者多認為雙方要建立「平等交換」的關係,依此他們更容易看出異性婚姻中不合理之處,打破性別常規,積極的透過協商談判訂定雙方滿意的規則。而經濟條件較好的形婚者,容易有較優勢的談判能力與處境。部分報導人協商不成結束形婚關係,最終向父母出櫃。


The question of this research is how the marriages of convenience practice and negotiate in contemporary China. The definition of marriages of convenience by this research is a gay man and a lesbian get married to get the societal pressures off their back to appease their parents and families, holding a wedding banquet,or even get amarriage certificate. Under the recognition of a series institution in heterosexuality marriage, they can have a homosexual life with the knowing of their spouse. With the agency of lesbian and gay people, they can have a homosexual life through the marriage of convenience. But with kinds of intimacy to remain, the lesbian and gay people have to negotiate with each other in different aspect. The gay community and same sex partner help to match the marriage, and reduce the marriage anxiety. Without the romantic love, the lesbian and gay people try to establish a fair relation between them, and they can fight the gender norms under heterosexuality marriage.The gay lesbian and gay people who are are better at socioeconomic statuscan negotiate easily.Part of my informants chose to end their marriage of convenience because of bad negotiating experience,and came out to their parents.


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