  • 學位論文


Study on Narrative Modes and Cultural Production of Taiwanese Romance Novels—A Case Study of Qiao Xuan

指導教授 : 陳芷凡


摘要   臺灣言情小說的發展由五○年代發軔伊始,至今已走過一甲子的歲月,由萌芽而至成熟均與文化工業之興起密不可分,而2008的一場全球金融海嘯首先重創了言情小說產業,致使言情小說開始步向衰微。    本論文首先爬梳西方、中國與臺灣之言情小說發展史,接著以法蘭克福學派阿多諾(Theodor Adorno)及霍克海默(Max Horkheimer)所提出的文化工業(Culture Industry)理論解釋言情小說如何在臺灣乘勢而起。有別與前行研究,筆者除了是言情小說讀者、研究者外,亦將以言情小說文化生產者之身分涉入文化生產機制,透過分析讀者偏好敘述模式與讀者反饋,觀看三者如何影響與互動,共同開展出臺灣言情小說的發展巔峰;此外,本論文將在探討言情小說崛起背景外更進一步延伸,就文化生產者(作者、編輯與出版社)及文化消費者(讀者與出租店)對文化產銷模式之影響性,以豐富此一領域之研究。最後,本論文亦將針對臺灣言情小說的式微現象進行外在成因與內在成因之探討。在外在成因方面,全球金融海嘯所引發小說出租店倒閉潮,伴隨更形喧囂的網路盜版、著作權法無積極保護性等外在成因,以及言情小說固定範式、青少年休閒習慣改變、閱讀率低落與社會對言情小說此一文類之貶抑、出版社的短線操作等內在成因,加劇了言情小說之低迷。最後筆者亦對言情小說的未來展望提出個人建言,以期對此一研究領域做出小小貢獻。


言情小說 文化工業


Abstract It has been six decades since the development of Taiwanese romance novels in the 1950s. The beginning to the maturity of the novels is closely related to the rise of cultural industry. However, the global financial crisis in 2008 inflicted severe damage to the industry of romance novels and caused the gradual decline of the novels. The study first probed into the development history of romance novels in the west, China and Taiwan. Next, it explained how romance novels seized the opportunity to develop in Taiwan with the theory of cultural industry proposed by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School. Different from previous researches, the author engaged in the mechanism of cultural production as a cultural producer of romance novels in addition to being a reader and researcher to view how the three roles influenced and interacted with one another to unfold the development peak of Taiwanese romance novels by analyzing narrative modes preferred by readers and their feedback. Furthermore, to further extend from the rise background of romance novels, this study explored the influence of cultural producers and consumers on the cultural production and marketing model to enrich the research of this field. Last but not the least, the study also probed into the external and internal causes of the decline of Taiwanese romance novels. External causes including the shakeout of novel rental stores triggered by the global financial crisis, being accompanied by uproarious online piracy and no active protection for copyrights and internal causes including the fixed form of romance novels, the change of teenagers’ leisure habits, the decline of reading rate, the society’s depreciation of the genre and the short-term operation of publishing houses have aggravated the sluggishness of romance novels. In conclusion, the author proposed suggestions for the future prospects of romance novels in the hope that they can serve as contributions to the research field.


romance novels cultural industry


Theodor Adorno,“The Culture Industry” (London,Routledge,1991)
