  • 學位論文


The Ergonomic Evaluations of Three Front Baby Carriers

指導教授 : 王茂駿


隨著時代變遷,嬰幼兒用品逐漸走向精緻化,除了美觀與功能性外亦開始注重其中包含的人因問題。照顧者在照顧嬰兒時,為了讓空出雙手進行其他工作或家務,多會使用到嬰兒背帶,然而背負相關的文獻多著墨在背負重量(如背包、書包等),背負嬰兒的相關研究幾乎無人探究。 本研究目的在藉由實驗數據,找出最佳嬰兒背帶設計,從中對新款嬰兒背帶做設計改善之建議。研究由專利及市場調查開始,選定三款可做為比較之嬰兒背帶後,針對A、B及C三不同款式之嬰兒背帶設計一評估實驗,實驗共召募41位受試者,其中包含11位具有嬰兒背帶使用經驗並育有7~12公斤嬰兒的媽媽,此階段量測在使用不同款式之嬰兒背帶時使用者之生理與心理反應資訊。生理反應包含壓力、肌肉活動度、膚溫及心搏率。心理反應則以問卷方式而得,使用的問卷有Borg身體疲勞程度評比、主觀問卷及Kano雙向問卷。 數據分析結果顯示,三款嬰兒背帶在平均壓力、分布面積上有顯著差異,其中C款具有最大的面積及最小的壓力;在肌肉活動度的部分,僅有上斜方肌在款式間有顯著差異,以B款及C款背負時在上斜方肌有較大的活動度;肩部膚溫則是A款與C款顯著的低,有較好的透氣性;身體疲勞程度量表在頸部、左肩、右肩及上背對款式有顯著差異,其中以B款表現較另兩款好;主觀問卷部分,在使用舒適及滿意程度則以B款背帶顯著較好,然C款在方便操作、調整、清洗及易攜帶等項目中皆顯著的比A款及B款好。最後根據實驗結果做設計發想,針對單肩背負之款式分別提出操作方式、壓力、背負方式等方向之改善建議,以期得到符合使用者期望的產品。


嬰兒背帶 壓力 EMG 膚溫 Borg量表 Kano model


Holding baby is a natural and universal human behavior. Baby carrier is a popular product to baby tenders. However, there was not much research focus on this product. This paper evaluates the physiological and psychological effects of three front baby carriers with different designs. 41 people including 11 mother and their baby were recruited to participate this study. The three baby carriers were chosen because each claims to provide comfortable wearing for parents, but yet with very different design. The three different front baby carriers include, one with padded shoulder straps and padded waist-belt (A), one with two-part design and mesh fabric (B), and one with ring sling (C). Each subject was asked to carry two different weighted baby dummies (7kg and 10kg) using 3 different baby carriers and walking for 20 minutes. The average electromyography (EMG) of right upper trapezius, lumbar erectus spinae and rectus abdominis during walking were recorded. Skin temperature of right shoulder area and abdominal area as well as heart rate were recorded during walking. Immediately after walking, the Borg’s rating of perceived exertion scales (score: 0-10) were used to collect discomfort rating at neck, right shoulder, left shoulder, upper back, mid-back, lowback, and belly area. After the experiment, participants were asked to write a questionnaire and a Kano questionnaire. The results showed that significant differences were found in contact area and average pressure among 3 different baby carriers. Baby carrier C had the biggest contact area and the smallest pressure. In EMG recordings, using Baby carrier B and C had higher right upper trapezius recordings than using baby carrier A. In skin temperature, using baby carrier B had higher shoulder temperature than the others. For Borg’s scale, significant differences were found in neck, right shoulder, left shoulder and upper back under different baby carriers. Using baby carrier B showed better performance than the others. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations about the improved design of baby carrier are proposed.


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