  • 學位論文


A Study on the Challenges and Strategies of National Biobank Infrastructure in Taiwan -Focusing on Legal and Ethical Issues

指導教授 : 范建得


自2003年人類基因序列完全解碼以來,世界先進國家,為結合資訊科技與生物科技解釋及探討各種生命現象,以發展個人化醫療,增進公眾健康,皆投入大量人力與物力建置生物資料庫(Biobank)。在此同時,各國也意識到,單一生物資料庫所提供的研究材料若僅及於小範圍地理區域或是少數人口群時,以研究層面而言並不具有統計上的意義,來達到發展醫藥科技之目的。 是故,生物資料庫之間的合作勢必成為此一問題的解決之道,透過交流以及合作,使研究者能獲取足夠的研究樣本,進行有效的相關病理學或是生物科技的研究。惟發展生物資料庫國際合作,因生物資料庫所蒐集之研究材料,涉及人體與個人隱私與資訊安全,常引起法律與倫理議題,若未能有效解決,將難以運作。國際社會自2004年起,即關注並研究此問題的解決之道,發展出以非政府組織為核心、政府組織為核心的兩大整合模式來對應,使此問題獲得有效解決。 我國自2012年起,相繼核發生物資料庫設置許可執照,自2014年底已有25家人體生物資料庫。我國政府應對於生物資料庫合作的國際趨勢給予重視,師法國際重要成功案例,以國家型生物資料庫為核心發展生物資料庫合作活動。本文對前述國際生物資料庫兩大合作模式為中心,介紹其法律及倫理議題之對應方式,最後論及其整合模式之於我國生物資料庫未來發展得以借鏡之處,一方面提供我國生物資料庫管理者參考,另一方面也提供我國相關主管機關制度上的建議。


The development of biobanks in Taiwan has been progressed in recent decade. But biobnaking in Taiwan raised complex ethical, legal and social implications (ELSIs) because of its island and immigrant culture. To deal with the complex issues, Taiwan’s government enacted The Human Biobank Management Act to regulate biobanking activities in 2010. However the single-act-regulated governance structure is now insufficient to cope with issues emerging from the integration of domestic biobanks in Taiwan, and also to future international research cooperation. In recent years, international research community has developed several cross-border biobanking consortiums. This article reviewed the governance structures of two of the most sophisticated consortiums among them, P3G and BBMRI-ERIC. Through our review, we found the differences of governance strategies of the two consortiums. P3G takes a bottom-up governance strategy involving ethical self-regulation in its individual and NGOs members from international research community. On the other hand, BBMRI-ERIC takes a top-down governance strategy involving a central node to integrate national biobank infrastructures implemented in its member states. Through comparative studies on the international biobanking consortiums and current situation in Taiwan, we identified major barriers including ethical, logistical and legal issues in international and internal cooperation and collaboration of biobanks in Taiwan. In conclusion, we provided a proposed solution including legal and ethical strategies to Taiwan government and its national biobank(Taiwan Biobank) in order to overcome these barriers through the lessons from P3G and BBMRI.


P3G BBMRI-ERIC Taiwan Biobank Right of Privacy ELSI Bioethics


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