  • 學位論文

Physics of Nanoscale Isospin Electronics: Spin-filtering in Luttinger Liquid and Valleytronics in Graphene

奈米尺度同位旋電子學的物理: Luttinger液體的自旋過濾與石墨烯的能谷電子學

指導教授 : 吳玉書


The non-charge degree of freedom (DOF) of a quantum mechanical system, which is called “isospin” in this thesis, provides chances for designing new functional or even novel devices. Chapter 1 gives the preparation for the following discussions. In Chapter 2, we study spin-filtering of a magnetic impurity in quasi-one-dimensional electron liquids with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The study is within the framework of Tomonaga-Luttinger theory, and the spin-charge separation is not valid due to this Rashba interaction. The weak magnetic impurity provides the scattering mechanism and breaks the time-reversal symmetry. Combing all these elements, it is found that the spin polarization or net spin current will be generated. In Chapter 3, a physical implementation of the valley-pair quantum bits (qubits) on gapped graphene double quantum dot is proposed. Graphene is a two-dimensional material with the unique electron dispersion - it has two degenerate, independent energy valleys, a novel degree of freedom, and the graphene with energy gaps at these valleys are assumed in our study. Similar to the spin-pair qubits which use spin-singlet/triplet, we use “valley-singlet/triplet” to form the valley-pair qubits. We further provide practical procedures to manipulate the qubits based on electrical tuning of the valley moment. Valley pair qubits are characterized by a) scalability and fault-tolerance, b) all-electric manipulation via electric gates, and c) long coherence time, all being rather useful assets in qubit implementation.


電子除了基本電荷量以外還帶有自旋。本文把基本電荷量以外,像電子自旋這樣的,其他用來描述電子狀態的量子數或自由度,稱為“同位旋”。而同位旋電子學探討的是,利用這些額外的自由度來設計新功能的元件的可能性。本文第一章提供對後面討論的相關的準備,第二章開始,便討論在准一維電子系統中,磁性雜質伴隨Rashba效應產生的自旋過濾。整個討論使用Tomonaga-Luttinger的理論,而Luttinger理論中常出現的電荷-自旋分離,在我們加入的Rashba效應影響下會被破壞。弱磁性雜質是一個破壞時間反演對稱的散射源。一起考慮這些機制的系統,將會有自旋極化的效果(即產生自旋電流)。本文的第三章提出基於石墨烯其色散關係的valley(能谷)這個新穎自由度而設計出的雙量子點量子位元。石墨烯的色散關係中,包含兩個簡併的能谷。我們的討論還假定了石墨烯在能谷處已經打開了能隙。類似用自旋的singlet和triplet形成自旋對量子位元的想法,我們的設想是利用能谷的singlet和triplet。此外,我們也提出了基於以電壓調變能谷磁矩,來操作此量子位元的方法。基於能谷的量子位元的特性或優點,乃是:a) 容錯的與可以規模化集成的能力,b) 可用電極來進行全電性的操控 和 c) 很長的相干時間,以上皆是建構量子位元時的重要考慮。


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