  • 學位論文

建築人王大閎、顏忠賢、阮慶岳的跨界敘事與文學構築 ――以場所相關理論為分析框架

Boundary-Crossing Narrative and Literary Construct in the works of Wang Da-Hong, Yen Chung-Hsien and Roan Ching-Yue : From the perspective of Genius-Loci and Related Theories

指導教授 : 謝世宗


文化與文學自兩者發展之初即緊密相關,彼此間的相互影響幾十個世紀下來蔚為常態。創作上的越界跨界情形對於2010,乃至於2000年代,尖銳度不復以往,但領域間的交會混雜則持續不歇。本論文基於近年地理學的文化轉向與文學的空間學研究轉向,特別關注於建築和文學課題的對話特色。具體上,以王大閎、顏忠賢、阮慶岳三位文學成果有所累積的建築人創作為開展核心,分為三章進行不同向度的刺探和演進,並以場所(Genius Loci)的相關概念理論作為跨域研究的發想輔助,也以再詮釋後的場所脈絡權作章節間的串連,各章兼及三人建築及文學兩方面的創作表現,並側重作品之於二領域的屬性差異性與可能的系統推動效果。為避免論述失焦於兩端往返之間,文學課題仍是本論文主要著力處,藉由建築知識系統的涉入,拓展出一塊文學空間學的未竟之地。因而建築人書寫的材料選擇,並不希望因循類型文學的生產路徑,亦無意建構無關乎建築一方,僅偏向次文類主題的建築書寫或建築文學論述,但對於不可避免的類型化現象也一併檢視探討。經由王大閎翻譯、改作、長篇小說和其經典建築國父紀念館、建國南路自宅等理念的相交流通;顏忠賢自體系統落實於建築設計的改革,結合文學形式的鍛造修正;以及阮慶岳深耕兩造領域,中間人的重要位置影響文學和建築創作意義的闡揚。三章節的探索歷程是場所精神世代性、當代共時的發軔、重組和再現,指涉一如科技的軟硬之別,文化的軟硬調和的契機所在。


王大閎 顏忠賢 阮慶岳 建築 文學 場所 越界 跨界


Historical developments of literature and culture are closely interrelated from the origins, and the interactions between each other had become normal over numerous centuries. Although it isn't so penetrating to work on boundary-overstepping or crossover in the 2010s and even 2000s, incessant displays in the interdisciplinary blending and interaction could be observed. On the basis of culture tendency on geography and spatial studies of literature, this thesis focuses on the conversations between architecture and literature. Using the works of three architects Wang Da-Hong, Yen Chung-Hsien and Roan Ching-Yue, all have literature achievements as well, as core materials, profound investigations are conducted in different dimensions. The perspective of Genius-Loci and related theories benefited this interdisciplinary imaginings, and the reinterpretation of theoretical context serves as connections among sections. The three main chapters concentrate on the presentation of both architecture and literature creations for each architect, and emphasize their attributions exhibited in different domains as well as the potential execution effects. Literature was set as the major theme of this thesis to avoid confusion between subjects, and hope to involve in an uncovered field of spatial studies of literary by linking architectural perception. The selection of material among architects’ writing didn't follow genre of literature. This thesis also didn’t attempt to establish sub-genre of architectural writing or architectural literature, even though the unavoidable stylized phenomenon had been studied. The investigating starts from Wang Da-Hong’s philosophy circulated in his translations, adaption, full-length novel, the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, and Wang’s own house on Jianguo South Road. Exploration step moves on to Yen Chung-Hsien’s self-organization which is formed from revision of architectural and literature. Discussion for individual then concentrates to Roan Ching-Yue who is deeply involved in both domains, and also acts the role of mediator who could interpret the meaning of both. All chapters converges on the epoch variation, and starting, restructuring, reappearance of Genius-Loci, which shows opportunity for harmonization of hard and soft culture, just as the way science and technology operated.




