  • 學位論文


The investigation of mature female consumer's preference for brassiere design

指導教授 : 盧俊銘


臺灣的高齡人口比例逐年提昇,但目前國內熟齡胸罩市場尚未完全成熟,且適合年輕女性的胸罩未必能滿足熟齡女性的需求,因此熟齡女性在胸罩購買上的選擇相對有限。基於此問題,本研究挑選市面上十款較具代表性、強調熟齡消費者需求之胸罩進行調查,旨在探討胸罩設計與熟齡女性主觀感受之間的關係。 首先以隨機街訪及網路問卷對101名女性進行調查,挑選出71組多數女性認為較具代表性、適合用於形容胸罩帶來感受的語彙,隨後邀請五位來自服裝、心理認知、語言、內衣專業等領域之專家協助,精選出20組最適合的成對形容詞,亦稱為「雙極感性語彙」,例如:「悶熱的-透氣的」、「內斂的-大膽的」等。 接著邀請十二位50至59歲之女性參與研究,其教育程度為國中以上,罩杯尺寸皆為80B,並且有瀏覽過內衣網站之經驗。本研究根據女性購買胸罩之消費流程定義四階段,包括:(1)靜態視覺:模擬消費者瀏覽商品網頁或型錄之情境;(2)實體視覺:探討消費者實際觀看吊掛於展示架上之胸罩後產生的感受;(3)視覺結合手部觸覺:模擬消費者以雙眼觀看並進一步用手觸摸胸罩樣本;(4)試穿。各階段皆針對各組形容詞勾選感受強度,最後再安排口頭訪談以了解研究參與者整體感受與意見。 各階段皆透過主成分分析定義消費者最敏感的兩大意象維度,同時藉由集群分析將十件樣本分類,並輔以數量化理論一類之方法連結胸罩設計參數與主觀感受。結果發現:第一階段(第一部份:網路視覺)以刺繡蕾絲之設計最有助於創造「美麗涼爽的」之感受,第一階段(第二部份:圖片平面視覺)以一般鋼圈、刺繡蕾絲之設計最有助於創造「美麗包覆的」之感受,第二階段(實體視覺)以鋼圈、前扣式穿戴方式之設計最有助於創造「美麗機能的」之感受;第三階段(視觸覺複合感受)發現全罩杯、一般鋼圈之設計最有助於創造「涼爽支撐的」之感受,第四階段(試穿)則以一般鋼圈、彈性蕾絲之設計最有助於創造「美麗排汗的」之感受。 進一步探討各階段之間的期望落差,發現網路視覺與視觸覺之落差宜在網路視覺呈現採用多個拍攝角度或選用觸感上更具傳達功能效果的材質,網路視覺與試穿之落差宜在網路視覺呈現上輔以行銷文案說明胸罩材質及其特性或鼓勵消費者親臨店鋪體驗試穿,圖片視覺與實體視覺之落差宜在平面圖片增加胸罩設計細節放大圖或採用高品質色彩輸出使色彩精準度更佳,圖片視覺與視觸覺之落差宜在行銷文案上增加消費者觸摸或試穿後的心得,圖片視覺與試穿之落差宜輔以行銷文案強調說明所提供之功能及胸罩觸感描述或鼓勵消費者親臨店鋪體驗試穿,實體視覺與視觸覺之落差宜在行銷文案上以文字輔助說明觸覺感受,視觸覺及試穿之落差宜在文案說明模特兒穿戴胸罩後的合身性情況或鼓勵消費者親臨店鋪體驗試穿,因此建議藉由設計參數的控制刺激消費者的購買慾望,以減少期望落差,如此方能長期經營顧客滿意,熟齡消費者的需求亦受到妥善的重視。


In response to the growing demand from the aging population, this study aims to relate mature females’ subjective feelings to the design parameters of brassiere. Ten mature-consumer-oriented brassieres available in the market were chosen for investigation. A questionnaire survey of 101 females and a series of expert assessment were conducted to help identify 20 pairwise phrases that describe the feelings delivered by the brassiere. Invite 12 female to join the research, whose ages are between 50 to 59, the educational level are above junior high school with the bra size are 80B, and has ever browsed the lingerie website. After that, it covers four stages of brassiere purchase, including previewing the product on the Internet and catalog, seeing the product in reality, seeing and touching the product in reality, and trying on the product. At the end of each of the four stages, the participant will rate her feeling toward the sample based on the 20 sets of pairwise phrases. Finally, an open interview will be performed to collect the overall feelings and additional comments. With the subjective ratings, principal component analysis were conducted to extract the two major adjectives that explain the variation among samples. Cluster analysis was further employed to determine the few categories of brassiere designed for mature females. Moreover, through the use of Quantification Theory Type I, the relationship between design parameters and subjective feelings were identified towards the better design. In phase 1 (part I: network vision) the embroidery lace can create feelings of "beautiful and cool". In phase 1 (part II: visual image) the general rims and embroidery lace can create feelings of "beautiful and covered". In phase 2 (real vision)general rims and front closure buckle can create feelings of "beautiful and function". In phase 3 (combining vision and tactile sense) the full cup and general rims can create feelings of "cool and support". In phase 4 (try-on) general rims and elastic lace can create feelings of "beautiful and perspiration". On the other hand, the users expectation disconfirmation were discussed by comparing the different stages:In network vision vs. combining vision and tactiles sense can using multiple camera angles on the web or using more function material. In network vision vs. try on can can using text description of the material property or encourage consumers try on. In visual image vs. real vision can enlarge detail design in pictrure or using high-quality color output. In visual image vs. combining vision and tactile sense can using text describe consumer touh or try-on experience. In visual image vs. try-on can using text description of the material property or encourage consumers try on. In real vision vs. combining vision and tactile sense can using text describes consumers feeling of touch. In combining vision and tactile sense vs. try on can using text describes models body shape and they wear bras conditions or encourage consumer try on. Here’s an advice for inspiring customer’s shopping desire by controlling the design parameter to decrease the expectation disconfirmation. So that consumers are satisfied and the requirements of aged consumer can be valued appropriately.


