  • 學位論文


Democratization and the people without history in Taiwan

指導教授 : 姚人多


本研究將試圖突破以往台灣民主化偏重政治菁英的研究,將視角轉向以往研究中所忽略的「基層參與者」。透過口述訪談與史料搜集,重現這些基層參與者在台灣民主化運動中的面貌。 本文的問題意識為:這些基層參與者是誰?他們如何集結?被什麼理念號召?集結之後又有什麼樣的行動?他們又是如何與政治菁英產生連結?共同推動台灣民主化的產生?民主化對他們的意義是什麼?台灣民主化是否存在什麼特殊性? 本研究提出有別於以往民主化的論述:一、這些基層參與者在地方上形成有別於政治菁英的「基層黨外運動圈」,使基層群眾能夠集結。他們所認知的理念除了以往文獻中所熟知的運用台灣意識及建構台灣民族主義作為訴求手段之外,會結合他們自身日常生活經驗「轉譯」這些民主理念,把日常生活中所遭遇的不公義和打倒國民黨政權產生實質的連結。這些「基層黨外運動圈」以公職人員服務處及民進黨成立之前的黨外次級團體的方式出現在台灣民主化的過程之中。 二、這些基層參與者不像政治菁英以「論述」的方式參與黨外運動,而是「行動」。這表現在他們選擇跟隨的政治菁英與願意參與的黨外活動,他們最積極參與的活動是街頭活動,這是一個他們可以直接表現與國民黨對抗理念的場域。這樣的積極參與也使剛創立的民進黨能採取群眾策略,加速台灣自由化的過程,這是以往民主化研究所忽略的。 最後,本研究也指出,他們對於民主化運動的認知與政治菁英有很大的出入,像是以往被視為民主轉型核心的民進黨創黨,對於這些基層參與者而言意義與不大。而政治菁英運用台灣民族意識作為號召,也使這些基層參與者始終認為自己參與的是台獨運動,這樣的歷史玩笑顯現出台灣民主化過程中的特殊性,由一群推動民主化的政治菁英與一群相信自己參與台灣獨立運動的群眾一起完成。


This research aims at a better understanding of the democratization of Taiwan, trying to depict the non-elite participants in the process of democratization. The research questions are: Who are they and why did they join the movement? What role did they play in the process of democratization? At last, through their stories, can we find any uniqueness in the process of democratization of Taiwan? The research method of this study are textual analysis and in-depth interviews, and the findings are as below, Firstly, the non-elite participants could make “local spaces”, which were different form the network of the elites discourses like the elite participants are in the movement. Rather, they participate with “action.” With firm attitude and substantial action, the movement was greatly strengthened. Among all forms of resistance, the non-elites were in favor of taking on the street, which is the most direct way they could.resist the KMT government. On the contrary to the former studies that focus on discourses and elites, which were only one side of the story, this study depict the importance of the role of non-elites in the process of liberalization. Finally, this research also depicts the way the non-elites come to interpret the whole movement, which is very different from that of the elitesThey believed the goal of movement was the independency of Taiwan instead of, democratization, it was also the reason they joined the movement. On the contrary, the elitebelieved democratization was the goal. The two different actors, with contrast dreams in mind, came together and realized the democratization of Taiwan. While made one’s dream come true, the irony of history turned that of the other’s down.


林佳龍(1989)威權侍從政體下的台灣反對運動-民進黨社會基礎的政治解釋。臺灣社會研究第2卷1期,頁117 -143。
