  • 學位論文


Huang Chunming grandparents-grandchild writting 's family pattern and ethical thinking

指導教授 : 陳芷凡


黃春明具有隔代教養的特殊成長經驗,他正式展開創作生涯的作品《城仔落車》便是深刻的祖孫書寫,他的創作長期關懷「老人」與「小孩」這兩個角色,「祖孫書寫」這個主題在他的作品中如何呈現令人關切。本文旨在探討在黃春明多元的創作中祖孫書寫反應了怎樣的思想和意義? 在文學史中又具有什麼樣的特色與價值?本論文分析黃春明小說中祖孫人物形象、情感互動關係,以及所呈現的家庭樣貌與倫理價值思考,給予黃春明及其作品更豐富的詮釋與定位。 黃春明的祖孫書寫,有他隔代教養成長經驗的影子,亦不時顯露出對家鄉風物的追憶,帶有「半自傳性」的色彩;在書寫角度上,早期關注「幼孫成長」,晚期關注「祖輩老年生活」,呈現不同的創作關懷,祖孫人物形象與情感互動傾向正面論述,書寫出「記憶與情感的延續」、「親情的糾葛與渴望」、「社會結構下的祖孫衝突與依存」,展現多元豐富的祖孫情感;在創作思想內涵中,對家庭樣貌與倫理思考「正反並陳」,包含對「隔代教養」關係的正面肯定與反面關懷,以及「高齡社會」中對老者身心靈關注與孝道的省思,並在「家的認同與傳承」中,展現出對家鄉風物、道德智慧、社會文化延續的肯定。 黃春明的祖孫書寫在其多元創作中,延續一貫對社會、人群、土地的關懷,展現「文學映像機」的意義;而黃春明祖孫書寫的內涵,除了親情的緬懷之外,也蘊含著作家個人自我生命歷程的關照,在時代動盪與文化衝擊之下,更見他對於轉型社會的描述與倫理價值的思考,顯現出其祖孫書寫在文學史上的特殊與重要;祖孫書寫在於文學史上,可說是作家精神的發揚,也是社會文化的表徵,為一人、一時代的群體記憶。


With special grandparenting experience as he grew up, Huang Chunming’s work Get off Bus at Yilan which officially launched his creation career has profound grandparent-grandchild writing. He cared about two characters “elders” and “children” in his creations for a long time, and how he presented the topic of “grandparent-grandchild writing” in his works is deeply cared. The study aims to probe into what thought and meanings “grandparent-grandchild writing” brings in the diverse creations of Huang, and what characteristics and values it presents in the history of literature. The study analyzed the images of a grandmother and her grandson in the Huang Chunming's novel, their affective interaction, their family pattern and ethic values that it presents to bring richer interpretation and orientation to him and his work. The grandparent-grandchild writing of Huang Chunming has the shadow of his grandparenting experience when he grew up, and it shows his reminiscence for scenery and customs in his hometown from time to time. Additionally, it has semi-autobiographical color. From the angle of his writing, he cared about “the growth of young grandchildren” in his early writing career and about “the elderly life of grandparents” in his later writing career, which shows his different care in his creations. He was inclined to have positive discussions about the images of the grandmother and her grandchild and their affective interaction and wrote “the extension of memories and emotions,” “entanglements of and desire for family love,” and “conflicts and interdependence between grandparents and grandchildren under the social structure” to show diverse and rich affection between the grandmother and her grandchild. With respect to the content of Huang's creation thought, he held both positive and negative perspectives on family patterns and ethic thinking including his positive approval of the “grandparenting” relationship and negative care for it, his care for physical, mental and spiritual states of elders and his reflection upon filial piety in the “aged society” and showed his approval for scenery and customs in his hometown, moral wisdom and the extension of social culture in the section of “Identification with Family and Inheritance.” Grandparent-grandchild writing in Huang Chunming's diverse creations extends his consistent care for the society, people and the land to present the meaning of “a literary image recorder.” The content of his grandparent-grandchild writing contains the author's care for his own life experience in addition to recalling family love. Under the turmoil of his age and cultural shock, the work shows his description of the transitional society and his thought for ethic values, and it manifests the uniqueness and significance of grandparent-grandchild writing in the history of literature. The writing can be regarded as the exaltation of the author's spirit as well as the symbol of social culture in the history of literature, and it is a collective memory of a person and an era.


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