  • 學位論文

A Syntactic Approach to the Existential Constructions in Squliq Atayal


指導教授 : 林宗宏 吳曉虹


本研究歸納賽考利克泰雅語的存在句型,並以形式句法理論進一步分析。本研究著重於三個層面:第一,觀察復興鄉賽考利克泰雅語的存在句型是否由存在謂語所構成。第二,因受到前人對於存在句型的研究的啟發,進一步去分析置於存在謂語後的成分為何。第三,該存在謂語的句法位置應該是在何處。 賽考利克泰雅語三大類的存在句型,分別命名為maki-existential、kya-existential及cyux-existential。因為賽考利克泰雅語為謂語居首的語言,因此我認為maki、kya及cyux皆為存在謂語,並會進行連續移動 (cyclic movement)。這三類的存在句型,謂語後的成分有不同的結構。maki是一個雙論元存在謂語 (two-place predicate),以一名詞組及一處所詞為其論元,若是處所詞後又出現另一完整子句,此子句為一附加語。由於maki擁有動詞該有的所有詞形變化,它應當落在VoiceP/TP之下,因此在進行連續移動時,它最終會停留在T0。kya亦為一個雙論元存在謂語,同樣以一名詞組及一處所詞為其論元,但因缺乏所有動詞該有的詞形變化,它應當是在進行移位的時候,早已移出VoiceP/TP的範疇,並且進入了CP的層次。cyux不同於maki及 kya,cyux是一個單一論元謂語 (one-place predicate),以一個完整子句CP為其論元,與kya相同,也缺乏VoiceP/TP所分派的詞形變化,因此它應移入CP的層次。 透過此研究得知賽考利克泰雅語的存在句型的確是由存在謂語所形成,分別為maki, kya及cyux。就存在謂語後接成分而言,maki及kya皆為雙論元存在謂語,而cyux則是單一論元存在謂語;就存在謂語句法位置而言,maki是位在TP的範疇內,而kya及cyux則是CP層次的成分。


This study aims at investigating the syntactic structures of thee types of the existential constructions in Squliq Atayal, a dialect of Atayal spoken in the area of Fuxing District, Taoyuan, Taiwan. In Squliq Atayal, three types of existential constructions are observed, and I refer to them as the maki-existential, the kya-existential, and the cyux-existential. I point out that although these three constructions are all treated as existential constructions, their syntactic properties are rather different. In this thesis, I propose a non-unified analysis of these three existential constructions. First, I propose that maki is a lexical verb with a full set of verbal morphology, and takes a theme NP and a locative NP as its arguments. By contrast, kya in the kya-existential is a CP-level predicate, which is base-generated in V0, and though kya lacks a full set of verbal morphology, it also takes a theme NP and a locative NP as its arguments. I consider cyux also an existential predicate, which is not a typical lexical verb. Cyux, because of its evidentiality, undergoes cyclic head-movement into a higher position in the CP area. I suggest that cyux is a one-place predicate, taking a CP clause as its argument.


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