  • 學位論文

A Study of the Excessive Construction in Modern Taiwan Mandarin


指導教授 : 曹逢甫


This dissertation aims to probe how the abstract excess extent is conceptualized in human cognition through the study on linguistic expressions including X-si, X-bao and X-fan. Adopting Construction Grammar (including Neo-construction Grammar), the phrases X-si, X-bao and X-fan are thought to form the same construction, namely, excessive construction. Briefly, the construction is polysemous, and the two main sememes in operation are EXCESS and CAUSE. It would be concluded that the EXCESS sense is generated from the complement itself via metaphor whereas the CAUSE sense is contributed by the construction. The generation of the sense of excess helps to once again ensure the process in human cognition. It is quite natural that human beings understand abstract concepts by means of concrete objects. In the same way, abstract excessive extent is concretized as some concrete actions or bodily experiences like death, explosion and turnover. Besides cognitive processes such as metaphor or inference, meaning derivation could be achieved by means of other strategies. Construction, then, is important to derive the causative sense of the excessive construction. The construction brings about the causative sense, which would result in a change to the argument structure and argument realization. Generally, an X-CEXCESS phrase is transitive and the subject NP is always assigned the cause role. Observing the construction from cognitive, semantic and syntactic aspects, the final goal is to find out a generalization. The construction allows many predicates to be filled in the X slot and complements in the C slot. The variety of the predicates and complements then arouse my interest in the rules coping with the construction, with the belief that things behave similarly might share some features. It is found that all the predicates take the feature [+quantifiable] whereas complements should be negative achievement verbs that are cognitively linked to scale image schema. Such a combination will lead to excessive extent in Mandarin.


透過「X死」、「X爆」和「X翻」的研究,本論文嘗試探索抽象的極致程度如何在人類的認知世界中體現。採用構氏語法(Construction Grammar)的觀點,我們認為「X死」、「X爆」和「X翻」這類的語言表現構成一種結構。該結構最常見的用法為程度的加強,因此我們稱它為極致程度結構,而「死」、「爆」、「翻」為極致程度補語。 本論文主要討論極致程度結構的語意。極致程度結構具有多義現象,而其中兩個最重要的義素為極度 (EXCESS) 與致使 (CAUSE)。基本上,極度義是補語透過比喻衍生而來,致使義則是由整個結構所給予。前者再次證明了人類的認知過程。用具體理解抽象,我們發現台灣國語也是透過具體的人生經驗或行為(如:死亡、爆炸、翻覆)來了解抽象的程度。然而,除了比喻和推論之外,語意的衍生途徑還有很多,結構也是其中之一。極致程度的致使義便是透過結構而來。極致程度結構有使成的用法,而這樣的語意將帶來謂語的論元結構與論元體現的改變。透過詞匯化,謂語與補語密切結合而漸漸形成一個詞彙。這樣的組合謂語有及物用法與不及物用法,而出現在主語位置的名詞帶有致使者(cause)的語意角色。 藉由認知、語意與句法角度的觀察,本研究的最終目標是找出規律。很多詞可以出現在極致程度結構中擔任謂語,補語的數量雖不及謂語的多,卻也一直在增長當中。謂語的種類是否有限制?補語是否有共性?這是我們感興趣的地方。我們相信出現在同一結構同一位置帶有同一語意的詞語應該具有相同的屬性。我們的研究發現出現在極致程度結構中的謂語必須帶有[+可計量] 的屬性,而只有帶有負面義的瞬成動詞才能虛化成極致程度補語。這樣的規律將有助於我們臆測未來會出現的極致程度補語。我們的發現也呼應了通用語法。大體上,所有語言的負面詞或禁忌語皆與極致程度有所關聯。


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