  • 學位論文


Model-Based Development of User-Centric Automation Devices and Systems

指導教授 : 張韻詩


隨著科技的發展,數十年內我們可以看到愈來愈多的以人為中心所設計的設備和服務出現在我們的日常生活當中。要如何順利並節省成本的開發出這類兼具使用彈性和安全性的設備成為開發者的一大難題。因此,我們設計了一套開發方法來幫助開發者開發及測試,這套方法包含了UCADS模型和USE模擬環境。UCADS模型結合了工作流和GOMS模型,使開發者可以很輕易且準確地描述機器和使用者的行為和互動,除此之外我們還設計了一套URDL語言用來描述機器所需要的資源。 UCADS模型最重要的優點是其本身是可執行的。因此,我們開發出以UCADS為輸入的USE模擬環境。此模擬環境幫助開法者去提早發現其所設計的設備或服務是否有設計缺陷,並測試是否有會造成設備或服務錯誤的仁機互動流程,USE模擬環境還能提供開發者使用者效能等重要資訊。除此之外USE模擬環境提供了許多可重複性使用元件,方便開發者建立UCADS模型並且實作。


模型開發 工作流 模擬環境


This thesis presents a model-based approach to developing easily configurable, customizable and safe to use UCADS. The acronym UCADS stands for user-centric automation devices and systems/services, which include automation tools used by individuals and care-providing institutions for purposes of improving their quality of life and quality of care. The two most important features in this model-based approach are UCADS model and UCADS simulation environment (USE). The UCADS model enables the device behavior, user actions and user-device interactions to be specified in terms of a model for requirement capture and design assessment purposes early in the development process. UCADS simulation environment (USE) is designed for helping developers of UCADS to discover and fix design and implementation flaws that allow incorrect user-device interactions, in addition to assessing the performance of devices. USE as a development environment provides reusable models, resource components, tools and runtime environment needed to support this model-based development process.


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