  • 學位論文


Exit Strategy and Transformation Growth:The Case of VIS

指導教授 : 洪世章


企業組織成立之初,資源多半有限,多數都採取專注策略,集中人力物力在特定事業範圍內努力,建立其獨特能力,如果競爭力夠強,逐漸擴大其影響力及市占率,可以達到一定程度的成功,但在外部內部都把企業品牌形象和所在的事業作等號連結之後,組織的思考與行為容易陷入慣性模式,造成大幅創新的困難,往往會一步一步落入習稱一代拳王的沒落下場,要跳出這種宿命,必須把組織和事業概念分開,事業競爭的是戰役(Battle)的勝敗,而組織競爭的是生死存亡戰爭(War)的勝敗,任何事業都有其生命週期,有衰退被取代的一天,但組織的有機生命必須延續,這要靠勇氣與智慧放棄日暮西山的舊事業,持續尋找新機會新養分讓自己繼續生存壯大。 選擇、投入新事業的策略或方法是很多研究探討的主題,相對而言,對退出舊事業的討論少很多,投入新事業是對未來的展望,想像空間很大,是希望的工作,而退出舊事業是收拾過去失敗或無力扭轉的既成事實,往往有很無奈的包袱,是失望的工作,但是退出策略的選擇,Yes/No, When, How, 往往影響更深遠,甚至可以決定一個組織是否能脫胎換骨,浴火重生,或是一蹶不振,崩潰瓦解。 本研究以DRAM產業為範圍,分析比較曾經投入過DRAM事業,而後主動或被動退出的公司在當時的時空背景下如何形成退出的決策及後續效應,特別以世界先進的個案作較深入的探討,追蹤其退出DRAM事業決策點的前十年和後十年的歷程,希望能夠以較寬廣的視野探討前因和後果,每一個組織都是獨特的,有其特殊的時空背景,性格,限制和作決策的方式,本研究並沒有企圖建立一個能放之於四海皆凖的理論模型,但前人走過的路還是有許多可以啟發提醒的地方,或能對後來者有所助益。


For most of the newly established enterprise organization, with very limited resource, focus is the only possible strategy to be adopted, meaning concentrating all manpower and financial resource within a specific segment of business, to quickly build up unique competency, and if it is competitive, market share and market influence will successfully grow. However, once that happen, the internal culture and brand image of the organization tend to be tied up with this specific business segment and it is more and more difficult to break up the tie to make new innovation. In order to break away from such a mental limitation, the link between organization and business must be separated, any business segment has its life cycle and will eventually be replaced, but organization must keep moving on by looking for new business opportunity and continue to grow. How to choose right strategy to enter new business is a well-research topic, on the contrary, exit strategy from old business received less attention, one is an interesting effort for new hope, and one is a disappointing work to clean up existing mess. However, the choice of exit strategy, Yes/No, When, How, very often determine if an existing enterprise will be able to reborn again or fade away forever. It’s impact may be much more far-reaching. DRAM industry is the main scope of this research, how previous players in this industry exit market was compared and analyzed, more extensive study was made on VIS, by tracking ten years history before, and ten years history after its announcement to pull out from DRAM market, in the hope that a better understanding of its decision making background and long term impact to its later business transformation.




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