  • 學位論文


Design for Thumb and Index Finger Operated Interface for Personal Mobile Devices : A Case of Mobile Phone User Interface Design

指導教授 : 王明揚


為滿足便利性以及行動需求,多數人在使用個人資料輸入裝置,如遙控器、行動電話或是PDA時會使用單手輸入資料。然而手機介面設計的不良,不僅影響握持舒適與操作的困難度,長久下來可能會使拇指與其他部位產生重覆性使力傷害 (RSI)。 本研究以手指運動特性與單手操作介面需求為基礎探討如何增加握持舒適感並降低拇指肌肉的工作負荷,使行動裝置輸入介面更適合單手握持與操作。研究方法可區分為創新部分與評估部分。創新部份招募代表性受試者進行手機操作觀察並取得握持造形與手指人體計測等原型設計相關之資料以進行新型態行動電話原型開發,總結實驗所得與設計概念後進行新型手機的設計。評估部分招募12位受試者並比較兩種裝置在手指關節角度變化,操作速度,肌肉負荷以及主觀操作感受的差異,最後比較各因子效應最後提出設計建議。 本研究結果歸納如下:1. 採用曲面與圓角設計進行設計手機的握持面能增加握持的舒適度感受,並且使用者族群的尺寸不影響握持感受。2. 以操作指尺寸為基準設計按鍵面中心高度能降低操作指的移動距離,按鍵也較容易接近。3. 利用食指鍵分散拇指的操作負荷降低的程度並不顯著。後續建議設計者除了考量硬體使用者介面外,若能加入行動性考量對於實際運用的情形會更有幫助。


拇指 食指 使用者介面 行動裝置


Many people, when interacting with personal data entry devices, e.g., remote control, mobile phone or PDA, use single hand to manipulate them for the convenience and mobility. However, it is possible that the poor-designed mobile device interfaces may cause not only discomfort but also repetitive strain injury (RSI) on thumb and fingers when continuously entering data for a long enough period of time. This study intends to redesign the user interface of mobile devices to ease the heavy workload on the thumb as well as to better fit our hand with the devices when grasping. Based on the motion characteristics of thumb and index finger and the one-handed operated interface requirements, a new design idea was emerged. The design principles were taken into consideration for the new interface design in order to increasing comfort and reducing muscle workload of the thumb. The method of this study is divided into two stages: new device innovation and evaluation. In the first stage, representative subjects were recruited for observing the texting behavior and collecting hand anthropometric data including the lengths of thumb, angles of neutral hand posture, and the handle shape of the finger-palm enclosure. Based on first study, a mockup of new mobile phone user interface was developed. In order to comparing the operational performance between the new interface and that of a redesigning general mobile phone, twelve subjects were recruited for the second stage experiment and evaluation will be carried out. The joint angle changes, operation time, muscle workload, and subjective feeling scale were measured. After experimental analysis, this study suggests: 1. Designing for the grasping region by curve contour and fillet and considering average anthropometric data for the mobile devices are suggesting. 2. Considering the anthropometric data of operating digit in distributing the location of keypad region could not only lower the joint angle changes of operating digit but enhance the accessibility when reaching each key. 3. The effort of adding index finger keys for reducing fatigue level is not seem to be obvious. Finally, the thesis suggests that consider the situation of using mobile device would be helpful in designing one-handed mobile device.


Thumb Index finger User Interface Mobile device


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