  • 學位論文


The Green Product Eco-design Approach and System for Energy-using Products Directive

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


工業革命後由於人口的增加與社會經濟的發展,造成自然資源的耗竭以及環境污染負荷加劇,環境議題引起各國環保團體深度關切與重視。因此隨著歐盟廢電子電機設備(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, WEEE)、有毒物質限用指令(Restriction of Hazardous Substance, RoHS)以及能源使用產品生態化設計指令(Eco-Design Requirements for Energy Using Products, EuP)等環境指令陸續實施,掀起了全球的綠色產品風潮,也對全球的產業市場的結構發展,產生了深切的衝擊,所以綠色設計能力成為企業是否能保持其競爭優勢的關鍵能力。本研究所發展之生態化設計方法將結合環境品質機能展開(QFDE)、倒傳遞類神經網路(BPN)、創新問題解決理論(TRIZ)以及生命週期評估(LCA)等方法。首先在產品概念設計階段,使用QFDE進行產品設計評估,分析顧客以及環境需求,將需求轉化為產品設計之要素,並將設計評估之結果用以建構設計改善預測類神經網路模型,支援研發人員綠色產品設計研發;TRIZ理論則由設計改善評估之結果,輔助設計問題的求解,縮短產品開發時程;最後,利用LCA方法分析現有產品以及所組成零組件之環境衝擊,提供新產品設計選料評估之用。因此本研究之設計方法與系統發展目標為根據綠色產品設計要求,建立綠色零組件資訊管理平台,加強企業原有之產品生命週期管理系統,並且落實綠色產品的研發設計之支援與評估,具以實現整合企業研發流程之綠色產品設計系統,最後案例探討以交換式電源供應器驗證本研究之方法與系統。


Owing to the enforcement and implementation of green environmental directives, e.g., the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE), and Eco-Design Requirements for Energy Using Products (EuP) in European Union, the “green” concept is fast becoming the global market trend and the base of industrial development. In order to prevent global environment from serious impact of industrialization and pollution caused by human business activities, developing products fit in with environmental concerns (called green product development or eco-design) becomes a critical task for product designers and producers. Consequently, green product design capabilities become the key competence for enterprises to stay globally competitive. In this research, an integrated green product design methodology and system are developed to support environmental conscious, energy-using products development. The proposed methodology adopts life cycle assessment (LCA), quality function deployment for environment (QFDE), theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) and the projections of green conceptual design improvement based on back-propagation neural network (BPN) approach. LCA is developed for assessing and comparing the environmental impacts of (human) activities for the production and provision of goods and services. QFDE extended from QFD is a method of translating high-level objectives (voice of customer and voice of environment) into concrete actions and requirements. It is one of the design techniques that aim to satisfy customers’ needs at the product concept design phase. The forecast of design improvement model based on BPN is developed for the R&D decision support of environmental conscious product design to reduce the time frame of product development. TRIZ is used to support R&D to create innovative product design ideas effectively and efficiently during the concept design stage. Finally, this research will present a green concept design case study of electric adaptor demonstrating the proposed eco-design methodology and system.


[17]ISO, 2002, ISO 14062 Environmental management – Integratinge environmental aspects into product design and development, Technical Report, Genvea.
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[7]Official Journal of the European Union, 2003, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Official Journal of the European Union, European.
