

隨著現代社會的發展,多種職業人員一天中需長久的站立和走動,而長時間的站立和走動,會造成下肢累積性的傷害,且足底壓力過大會導致足部病變,而鞋墊有分散足底壓力之功能,多數人卻往往忽略了鞋墊的重要性。 本研究針對市售五款鞋墊進行人因評估,其中包含了全平面式之記憶鞋墊,強調能照足底壓力符合腳型,另外包括足中突起之鞋墊,強調能重新分配體重和壓力,但這些設計之效益還尚需被評估。本研究同時從地面反作用力、肌肉活動度、足底壓力、動作分析、主觀評比的角度,探討以下之問題:1.有無鞋墊的表現。2.記憶鞋墊與以足型特徵設計鞋墊的優劣。3.足中區突起設計的效應。4.實驗後其他問題之發現。 研究結果顯示:1.沒穿鞋墊在骨盆活動角度(額狀面)、足底壓力、地面反作用力、主觀評比的表現皆不如有穿鞋墊,但肌肉活動度和下肢矢狀面關節活動角度在所有實驗組合之間並無顯著差異。2.記憶鞋墊在地面反作用力中雖反應較佳,但因無適當之足弓支撐,且過於柔軟,故在骨盆活動角度偏大,且記憶鞋墊未依照足型設計,並不能有效分散足底壓力。3.足中區突起設計可將蹠骨區的壓力分散至足中區,但顯著增加足中區的主觀不舒適,且該設計若無搭配較硬之足弓支撐,會增加骨盆左右擺動的幅度。4.其他問題之發現:雖然硬式足弓設計可降低骨盆之偏斜角度,但會增加足弓區的主觀不舒適。另外可調整式足弓設計可增加足弓的合腳性。 本研究彙整實驗結果,設計鞋墊之初步模型。未來研究方向可建立國人足型尺碼分類資料庫,以更能貼近國內不同足型之族群。


This study aims to evaluate the effect of insole shape and its material on gait performance. A total of 15 healthy males participated in this experiment. Six different types of insoles were evaluated, including memory-material insole, hard and soft midfoot-rise insole, arch-adjustable insole, ergo-design insole, and barefoot condition. The response measurements include foot pressure, muscle activity, joint range of motion, ground reaction force, subjective discomfort, and preferred rating. The experiment results indicate the significant difference among different insoles were found in most of the response measures, except for muscle activity. The joint range of motion in pelvic tilt was the greatest in the memory-insole than the other selected insoles. When wearing both types of midfoot-rise insoles, the pressure under metatarsal areas would transfer into midfoot area, and resulted in a higher subjective discomfort in midfoot area. Moreover, the insoles with hard arch support design (i.e. arch-adjustable insole and hard midfoot-rise insole) caused a smaller range of motion in pelvic tilt and a higher discomfort in arch area. Besides, the barefoot condition showed the worst gait performance in most of the measurements. This findings of this study suggest that foot shape should be considered when designing the form of insole. A new insole with softer-arch support design and customer made shape design was proposed in this study.


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