  • 學位論文

The investigation of Ti-containing SBA-15: synthesis, characterization, metallic modification and photocatalytic degradation


指導教授 : 王竹方


摘要 本研究以共沉澱方法合成Ti改質的SBA-15複合材料(TiSBA-15)。為改善光催化的效能及可應用的光源,研究過程中嘗試以光催化合成法將稀土金屬鈰和貴重金屬鉑分別改質在TiSBA-15材料上。本實驗使用ICP-MS、BET、 SEM/EDX、TEM與XRD等儀器鑑定製備之TiSBA-15及金屬改質複合材料的基本特性。在UV和加碼輻射的照射下,以製備之複合材料降解亞甲基藍染料,探討相關材料之光催化能力。實驗結果顯示製備之複合材料其形態與晶格結構等特性會隨著材料中鈦含量的不同而改變,而光催化能力則隨著鈦含量的增加而提升。此外,金屬改質後的TiSBA-15,Pt/TiSBA-15在UV光反應照射下光催化效果變佳,而Ce/TiSBA-15材料卻出現光催化效果變差的現象。相同的改質材料在加碼輻射照射下卻出現截然不同的結果。


Abstract Highly ordered titanium-containing SBA-15(TiSBA-15) materials have been successfully synthesized through co-precipitation synthesis. In order to increase the photocatalytic efficiency and optical usage range of TiSBA-15, modified composites are made by doping with rare-earth metal cerium (Ce) and noble metal platinum (Pt) through photodeposition method respectively. The prepared materials were characterized by ICP-MS, BET, SEM/EDX, TEM and XRD. Their catalytic performances were evaluated for degradation of methylene blue (MB) by UV light and Gamma-ray in a liquid phase. It was observed that the properties of morphology, crystalline structure, and photocatalytic performance would be influenced with various titanium contents. The photocatalytic activity increases with an increasing Ti content. In addition, for modified TiSBA-15 materials with Pt and Ce, the photocatalytic performance of Pt/TiSBA-15 series is better but Ce/TiSBA-15 series is worse than that of unmodified ones by UV light. Nevertheless, we find that the prepared Ce/TiSBA-15 can be activated under Gamma-ray irradiation to photocatalytically decompose the MB.


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