  • 學位論文

NTHU-Route 3.0: A Temperature-Aware Global Router

NTHU-Route 3.0: 一個具溫度考量的全域繞線器

指導教授 : 王廷基


在本論文中,我們提出一個具溫度考量的全域繞線器–NTHU-Route 3.0。NTHU-Route 3.0採用了三個加強技術來改善NTHU-Route 2.0繞線的可靠度,這三個技術分別為(1)一個在初始繞線階段採用具溫度考量的L形繞線方法,(2)兩個在拆除重繞階段採用具溫度考量的代價函數,以及(3)三個實作技術以減少記憶體使用量。從本論文最後所附的實驗結果可得知,NTHU-Route 3.0在兩種不同類型的溫度分佈之下十六個ISPD08測試電路的其中十二個產生出無溢出狀況且大幅的減少經過熱區的繞線數目,以提昇晶片的可靠度。同時NTHU-Route 3.0減少了NTHU-Route 2.0百分之四十五的記憶體使用量。


繞線器 繞線 溫度 全域繞線器


In this thesis, we present a temperature-aware global router called NTHU-Route 3.0 that improves the reliability of interconnects by enhancing a state-of-the-art global router, NTHU-Route 2.0, with the following enhancements: (1) a temperature-aware L-shaped routing method employed during initial routing, (2) two temperature-aware cost functions employed during rip-up and reroute, and (3) three implementation techniques for memory reduction. The experimental results show that under two different types of thermal profiles our router can solve 12 of 16 ISPD08 benchmarks without causing any overflow, and also can generate comparable results in the other four benchmarks. In addition, our router can significantly reduce the number of net segments located in hot spots and thus enhance the chip reliability. Meanwhile, applying the memory reduction techniques, 45% of memory usage can be reduced on average.


Router Route Temperature Global Router NTHU-Route


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