  • 學位論文

Text-based Emotion Classification Using Support Vector Machines


指導教授 : 蘇豐文


本論文的主要目的以應用文件分類的方法來實作以文字為基礎的情緒偵測。在很多過去的情緒相關研究大多注重在語音與臉部表情變化上,對於以文字為基礎的研究則較少著墨。本研究主張將單一句子當作一個極短的文件,以此極短的文件來做情緒偵測。我們的資料來源採用目前網路上非常流行的微型部落格(micro-blog)作為,因為微型部落格的文章字數比較符合單一語句的標準,且使用者會將撰寫文章當時的情緒利用圖示的方式呈現在語句中。我們利用point-wise mutual information 來計算詞與情緒之間的相關強度,選擇強度較高的詞當做候選的特徵詞,並設計一個門檻值,以利挑選品質較好的特徵詞。由於中文特徵詞可能會有同意詞存在,因此再用中文的同意辭林降低特徵空間的維度。最後以「支援向量機(Support Vector Machine)分類演算法」來實作分類的模組。實驗結果顯示,我們所提出的方法可以達到八成以上的辨識率,且發現此分類方法只需要用到很少的特偵數量即可得到不錯的準確率,希望此方法未來可以應用在文件分類的相關研究。


This thesis presents a method of detecting the emotion from the Chinese sentences by using document classification method. There are much work has been done to detect users’ emotion states from multimodal sources such as audio, gestures, and eye gazes over the last decade. But compare to research of emotion detection in multimodal fields, emotion detection from text is still not mature and requires more improvements to be assembled as practical applications. We used the micro-blog as the data source, because the data type of micro-blog is similar to the sentence, and the emotion icon will be annotated when user write the article. The Point-wise Mutual Information (PMI) was employed to help us to calculate the strength between the word and emotion icon. The threshold was designed to avoid choosing the feature which has the similar PMI vale. We reduce the feature dimension by using the Chinese thesaurus. Finally, we use the support vector machine to deal with classification task. The experiments show that the best performance of our method is more than 85%. We find out that the small feature set size was also efficient in the classification task. Our method maybe can be applied to other research of document classification problem.


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