  • 學位論文


A Class D Amplifier with High Efficiency and Low Distortion for Audio Application

指導教授 : 黃柏鈞


中文摘要 隨著可攜式聲音輸出裝置的普及,低耗能的聲音處理系統已逐漸的被研究以及發 展。過往聲音輸出採用線性AB類放大器。線性AB類放大器的優點在於線性的訊號操 作能使音質輸出良好,但AB類放大器由於在電源供應與地之間有著導通電路,因此 會造成大量的功率流失。相較於過往線性的AB類放大器而言,D類放大器藉由開關式 的操作,能夠使得大部分的電流由電源供應輸出至負載。如此功率消耗能夠達到降 至最低的程度。因此於此次的研究中,我們將針對D類放大器做研究。 然而D類放大器在操作上會增加許多非線性的現象,導致在音質的輸出表現降低。在 這次的研究報告中,為了補償數位輸入形式的D類放大器輸出失真的效應,我們設計 了一個新的補償調變系統,稱作脈寬積差調變(Pulse Width Delta Modulation)系 統。此系統將利用撞擊控制系統的磁滯概念將失真錯誤加以補償。而雙迴路的脈寬 積差調變系統能夠增加補償系統的效率而使得失真更為降低。於此次的研究中,亦 會比較與其他補償系統間的優劣,以顯現脈寬積差調變系統的前瞻性。 為了驗證脈寬積差調變系統的可使用性,此次研究中使用CMOS標準製程實現一脈寬 積差調變電路。在回授電路上採用積分功能之電路以做錯誤的累加。而在磁滯電路 上設計了一磁滯比較器以補償錯誤失真。在輸出級上採用標準D類放大器輸出級以及 二階巴特伍茲低通濾波器已達到解調的功能。而在實做後量測的結果,相較於開路 的D類放大器系統,脈寬積差調變系統將失真度下降了18dB,而電源供應產生的雜訊 也藉由脈寬積差調變系統下降了10dB。而輸出的電壓值更因此能夠達到更為精準的 輸出值。


Abstract Instead of traditional class-AB amplifier, class-D amplifier is gradually used in audio application. Class-D amplifier itself is high efficient but non-linear structure. Many feedback solutions to reduce analog-input class-D amplifier non-linearity are revealed in recent years. However, the feedback system is hard to be used at digital-input class-D amplifier. In this thesis a modified class-D amplifier topology is proposed to solve the total harmonic distortion problem of digitalinput class-D amplifier. The basic operation of class-D amplifier is introduced in the first part. Several modulation methods are discussed and compared. The theoretic and practical views, especially on non-linear effects are discussed in the following. Based on these analysis, a hybrid modulation scheme is proposed. It uses the hysteresis concept to solve the pulse timing and amplitude error. To verify the availability of the proposed structure. a digital PWM inputted output stage is prototyped using TSMC 0.35 2P4M (Mixed-Signal) process. Simulation results show the nonlinearity can be improved by pulse width delta modulation. Measured data indicates that the improvement in nonlinearity issue. Although there are some non-ideality like blanking delay error to be solved, the experiment result has demonstrated that the proposed pulse width delta modulation analytical and technique can efficiently reduce the non-linearity of output loading and timing error. The total harmonic distortion can be improved from 35dB to 55dB. The full system can work on a 8ohm 2watt general speaker.


class-D amplifier PWDM audio application


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