  • 學位論文


Graded Readers and Young Adult Literature in an Extensive Reading Classroom

指導教授 : 卓江


二十年來,第二語言學習中的廣泛閱讀 (Extensive Reading)課程以採用英語分級讀本 (Graded Readers)為主。較少被運用的另一種閱讀素材則是專為母語為英語的青少年所撰寫的課外讀物,稱做英語青少年文學(Young Adult Literature)。此類讀本最大特點為書中語言的自然與真實性,及與讀者切身相關的故事主題。然而,由於英語青少年文學對外語學習的幫助直到近幾年才逐漸引起注意,目前有關英語分級讀本與青少年文學對第二語言學習成效之比較可謂付之闕如(Sheu, 2003)。 因此,本研究旨在檢視台灣地區國中廣泛閱讀課程採用英語分級讀本與青少年讀本之成效,藉以探討經改寫的英語分級讀本及保留原味的英語青少年文學,何者對國中學生英文字彙量、字彙使用認知、閱讀理解與文法知識等能力的增進較有助益。本研究中採用的測驗包含單字分級測驗 (Vocabulary Levels Test)、字彙使用測驗 (Word Associates Test)、德州知能評量(TAKS)中的閱讀測驗與國中基本學科能力測驗的英語科文法試題。 本研究的受試者為嘉義縣民雄地區一所著名私立中學的兩班國三學生。此兩班受試學生除了接受相同時數、教材的英語課程外,亦接受廣泛閱讀訓練。一個班級讀英語分級讀本,另一班讀英語青少年讀本;並固定隔週繳交閱讀心得。為期26週之研究結果指出,英語分級讀本與英語青少年文學對國中學生的英語學習均有助益。趨勢並顯示英語分級讀本對學生的基本文法概念、常用英語字彙及閱讀能力有較大幫助,而英語青少年文學則針對難度較高的英語單字及字彙使用認知上發揮較明顯的影響。 概括而言,無論是英語分級讀本或青少年文學,只要學生花費足夠時間閱讀英語課外書籍,其英語能力就能達到全面性的提昇。然而,學生所選取的英語讀物攸關其對廣泛閱讀課程之態度與課程之成敗。因此,在進行廣泛閱讀之前,引導學生如何選書有絕對的必要性。再者,研究趨勢顯示,英語分級讀本與英語青少年文學分別對學生的英語能力有不同層面之助益。這項發現也為教師和學生們日後選擇不同類型課外閱讀書籍以增進特定英語能力方面,提供了參考的方向。


In extensive reading (ER) programs conducted in L2 language-learning classrooms in the past two decades, graded readers (GR) have been the most frequently adopted outside-reading materials. Another less known genre which can be utilized in an extensive reading program is young adult literature (YAL)—literature written especially for native-speaking young adults (Bushman & Bushman, 1997). Its most prominent advantages are the naturalness and authenticity of language and its use of themes that are more familiar to readers of similar ages. Since it is not until recent years that YAL has gradually aroused widespread interests, discussion of how well different genres such as GR and YAL impact on students’ learning achievement remains exceedingly rare (Sheu, 2003). The current study, therefore, aimed to probe the differences between applying GR and YAL respectively to an extensive reading program embedded in a junior high school English curriculum in Taiwan. The key point is to see whether simplified texts represented by GR or authentic texts like YAL benefit students more in gaining a significant improvement in the breadth of vocabulary knowledge, the depth of vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension ability, and grammatical knowledge. Tests used include Vocabulary Levels Test, Word Associates Test, the reading portion of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, and structure sections from The Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students. The participants were two classes of junior three students in a renowned private secondary school in Ming-Shiung, Chia-Yi. They received the same amount of normal English instruction and each also had one extensive reading class on a regular two-week basis. Whilst one group used GR in the extensive reading sessions, the other group had YAL. The result of all the test measures indicated that in general, GR and YAL brought similar advantages to secondary-school EFL learners in the acquisition of English but there was a tendency for GR to be more helpful in the tests of basic grammar, frequent vocabulary, and reading comprehension whilst YAL was more advantageous in tests of less frequent vocabulary and word usages. The main pedagogical implication is that as long as students devote time to extra readings for a sufficient time-span, their overall language ability in various aspects will be promoted, regardless of the type of text—GR or YAL—that is used. Second, students’ knowledge in selecting suitable reading materials is crucial to their attitudes toward the reading program and the success of English learning. Therefore, an orientation before the reading program is essential. Last, the observed tendency for GR to be more effective for lower level knowledge and YAL for higher level knowledge can tentatively serve as a guideline for teachers’ and students’ selections of different types of reading materials.


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