  • 學位論文

Analysis of Decoherence of Qubits due to Local Coordinates Coupling

指導教授 : 齊正中 牟中瑜




Motivated by ideal gradiometer °ux qubit (GFQ), which suppresses coupling strength as gradient form due to geometry symmetry, we study the e®ect that qubit system seriously couples to one or a few modes of heat bath in decoherence analysis. We set up a simple model to analyze this coupling form dominated by several modes of heat bath so-called the local coordinates coupling. In experiment, special electrical circuit in localized space or lo- calized random electromagnetic ‾led are more reasonable and reality to be described by local coordinates coupling. Moreover, we analyze the problem by e®ectively complementary meth- ods: time dependence SchrÄodinger's equation for spin part of Hamiltonian, and imaginary path-integral method for coordinate part. During analysis, the problem could be reduced as, how to calculate the dynamics of local coordinates part with non-local in time potential com- ing from heat bath. For single mode of local coordinates coupling (system seriously couples to only one mode of heat bath), we ‾nd the bath spectral density of symmetry correlation (or so-called noise spectrum) is Lorentzian form. When the coupling modes of local coordi- nate are increase, there would be not only multiple e®ect, but also mixing e®ect|echo and shifting e®ect|in spectral density. More than that, the real quantum correction should be taken care by Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's function. In addition, we propose a way| canonical transformation to analyze the higher eigenstates correction during truncation by taking GFQ system as an example. And we also observe that, without carefully choosing the initial conditions and °ux integer n, the GFQ cannot behave as a qubit.


qubit decoherence local coupling dissipative dephasing relaxation GFQ


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