  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characterization of Tantalum Silicide and Refractory Metal-Oxide Nanostructures

指導教授 : 周立人


一維奈米結構如奈米線、奈米管等,擁有高的表面積比,因此具有獨特的光性、電性和機械性質而引發廣泛的興趣和研究。 本篇論文以設計及合成新穎奈米材料為主題,著重於奈米材料合成及奈米材料結構上分析鑑定,主要研究奈米材料分類如下:(1)低維度金屬及半導體矽化物材料; (2)半導體矽奈米線; (3)低維度金屬氧化物奈米材料。由於這些材料都具有金屬及半導體性質,因此探索奈米特性與現象對於這些奈米材料物理性質為此論文討論重點。 半導體性質的鐵矽化物之發光波長為1.55毫米,運用於光纖傳輸時,具有最小的能量消耗,未來於通訊領域極具發展潛力。因此,在低維度半導體矽化物奈米材料,本論文以嘗試成長具有半導體性質的鐵矽化物奈米薄膜及奈米點於矽及矽鍺虛擬基材為主要方向,進而討論成長時形貌及尺寸對於發光上之影響。此外,利用直接退火鐵矽物奈米點於矽及矽鍺虛擬基材而成長不同形貌一維矽奈米線及討論此獨特一維矽奈米線成長機制及各種物理性質如光學、場發射等則為本論文的另一項重點。此外,金屬性質矽化物奈米線屬矽化物具有著許多優點,如高熔點、良好的熱穩定性及低電阻等特性等,故在VLSI半導體製程上的應用,有舉足輕重的地位,如矽化鎢常應用於閘極間,降低接觸電阻,以形成歐姆接觸,本研究利用新的成長方式,嘗試利用鐵及鎳矽化物於一鉭加熱氣氛下成長鉭矽化物一維奈米線,對於成長機制上的探討及此金屬一維奈米鉭矽化物之物理性質如電性質、機械性質、場發射性質之量測與探討亦為本論文的重點,一維奈米鉭矽化物於液晶顯示器之場發射源或元件上之導線連接具有極大的潛力。 再者,在金屬氧化物方面,本論文亦涵蓋了下列幾項奈米材料:(1)二氧化矽/五氧化二鉭之同軸結構及五氧化二鉭一維奈米線、管; (2)二氧化三鐵及四氧化三鐵一維奈米線; (3)金屬性二氧化釕一維奈米線及二氧化釕/二氧化鈦同軸結構; (4)氧化鋅及磷化鋅一維奈米線。而本論文嘗試探討這些奈米材料之合成 、結構分析及鑑定並試圖找出尺寸及形貌對於各種物理性質如光電、機械及 場發射性質量測上的影響,並製作簡易奈米元件探索未來工程上之可能應用。


The theme of this dissertation mainly focuses on following nano-materials: (1) silicide, (2) silicon, and (3) metal oxide. Basically, they possess two different kinds of properties, namely, metallic and semiconducting properties, which can be applied in various applications. For silicide materials, we try to synthesize the semiconducting feature of β-FeSi2 thin film/nanodots on Si and SiGe virtual substrates for application at light emitting device and discuss on how the effect of morphologies and dimensionality for these nanodots can influence their optical properties. In addition, by in-situ annealing FeSi2 nanodots grown on Si and SiGe alloy virtual substrates, the taper- and rod-like Si nanowires are successfully synthesized. The possible growth mechanisms are discussed in detail based on the SLS and OAG for taper-like SiNWs and VLS for rod-like SiNWs. Furthermore, metal silicides have many interesting properties, such as high melting temperature, superb thermal stability and low resistivity. In this thesis, we utilized an innovative method to synthesize the metallic TaSi2 nanowires by annealing FeSi2 and NiSi2 films and nanodots on Si substrate in an ambient containing Ta vapor at a pressure lower than 1×10-6 Torr. The growth mechanisms are illustrated and the electrical, mechanical, magnetic, field-emission properties are measured as well. For the metal oxide nanomaterials, we focus on synthesis of various functional metal oxide nanomaterials as follows: (1) SiO2/Ta2O5 core-shell and Ta2O5 nanotube as well as nanowires, (2) Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 NW, (3) RuO2 and RuO2/TiO2 core-shell NW, (3) The Zn3P2 and ZnO NW for various applications. The studies for these functional metal oxide nanomaterials mainly focus on synthesis, microstrucutre characterizations, and functional measurements, including optical, mechanical, magnetic, and field-emission properties. Device fabrications and testing for these nanomaterials are carried out as well. The results show the great potential of these nanomaterials in future applications.
