  • 學位論文


Assimilation and Contrast:Dimensional Range Overlap Model as an Explanation of Anchoring Effect on Product Judgment

指導教授 : 蕭中強


本研究旨在引用評量面向範圍重疊模式來解釋產品評論的定錨效果,在過去有關定錨效果的研究中認為提供數字表示的促發物,將會對於陌生的目標主體產生同化效果(Tversky and Kahneman, 1974)。同時本研究也釐清過去有關研究產品評量時因促發物的特質所產生的情境效果的矛盾現象。 研究採用受試者間的多變項設計來驗證我們的假設,首先在實驗一的部份將會探討當數值化的促發物與目標主體為同一類型時,其解釋範圍是否重疊所產生的情境效果,而在實驗二的部份將會探討當數值化的促發物與目標主體為不同類型時,其解釋範圍是否重疊所產生的情境效果。資料蒐集對象為清華大學學生,共計192人,調查所得之資料經t檢定以及單因子變異數分析。 根據實驗之結果顯示,在實驗一的部份,如果提供數值化的促發物其解釋範圍與目標主體重疊時,同化效果將會發生;而如果提供數值化的促發物其解釋範圍與目標主體沒有重疊時,對比效果將會發生。在實驗二的部份,儘管促發物與目標主體為不同類型,我們仍可發現影響對比效果或同化效果的主要因素是促發物和目標主體是否有重疊。此外,總的來看實驗一與實驗二的檢驗發現促發物的絕對數值高低並不是影響情境效果的因素,當然也不必然產生同化效果。 總結來說,本研究的結果顯現定錨效果在產品評論判斷時並非絕對的影響方向,同時數值化的促發物與目標主體的解釋範圍重疊性才是主要決定對比效果與同化效果出現的關鍵因素。本研究除了提供行銷主管們對於情境效果背後機制有更多的認識外,也提供行銷主管們如何在有限的資源下提高行銷品牌與產品時的效益。


The present study applied the Dimensional Range Overlap Model proposed by Chien, (2002) to explain the anchoring effect on product judgment. Among previous literature review, anchoring effect proposed by Tversky and Kahneman, (1974) suggests that while evaluating unfamiliar target, people are sensitive to absolute value of former information and end in judgment effects similar to assimilation effect. At the same time, we also used the model which demonstrates a more thorough perspective and greater general principle to explain the occurrence of assimilation and contrast effects to solve discrepancies among previous studies. Between-subjects factorial design was used to test our hypotheses in this research. Two studies were conducted and in study 1 given numerical anchoring exemplars within target-category, we were probing into when interpretation ranges between target and numerical anchor exemplars overlap, there was an assimilation effect; when interpretation ranges between target and numerical anchor exemplars did not overlap, there was a contrast effect. In study 2 given numerical anchoring exemplars non- target-category, we were probing into context effect appearing under overlap/non-overlap interpretation range of target and exemplar condition. Finally, the result demonstrated that assimilation and contrast effects were determined by whether there is an overlap between the target’ range and the numerical anchor exemplar ‘s range on the interpretation judgmental dimension. In addition, the current study also examined absolute value of anchor was not the key factor to affect context effect. With this conclusion, anchoring effect was not the absolute factor to affect product judgment, and context effect appearing depends on the interpretation ranges of the target’s and the numerical anchor exemplars’ overlapping or no overlapping. Several marketing implication can be provided for marketing executives to better understand the mechanism of context effect and make use of the context to promote their own brands or products under limited resource.


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