  • 學位論文


Combined Cycle Power Augmentation Study

指導教授 : 蔣小偉


提升氣渦輪機出力的方式有很多,以蒸汽或水注入燃燒器內、壓縮機之進氣冷卻及提升燃燒溫度……等等,皆為實務上所採用的方式。高壓進氣霧化 (inlet fogging) 屬於壓縮機進氣冷卻技術的一種,依據以往之研究顯示,此種技術對於複循環機組提升出力亦有相當不錯的成效。 在台灣,基於能源使用效率的考量,大部分的氣渦輪機是以複循環方式運轉,只有少部分的機組為因應尖峰負載之調節,而採單循環之運轉方式。在過去幾年裡,由於用電量急遽攀升,發電機組之備載容量始終處於低水位,為避免在炎熱的天氣因機組出力的降低而造成限電的危機,必須先行研究提升發電機組出力的對策以為因應。由於進氣霧化冷卻為簡單循環與複循環機組提升出力的重要選項之一,然而應用此技術之相關性能參數的研究仍未臻完備。因此,本研究之目的在於模擬既有之簡單循環與複循環機組增設進氣霧化冷卻系統後對於系統各主要性能參數之影響。 研究結果顯示,只要我們慎選濕壓縮 (overspray) 進氣霧化的操作範圍,則無論是簡單循環或複循環機組均可達到提升機組出力及改善機組運轉效率之目的。


There are several power augmentation methods available for GTs (gas turbines), such as steam or water injection into the combustor, inlet cooling of the compressor, and increasing the firing temperature. Recently, inlet fogging systems have been extensively used to boost the GT power, due to its low cost and easy installation. More and more studies have begun to focus on the effects of inlet fogging systems on power augmentation for GT- based cycles. In Taiwan, most of the power generation GTs operate with combined cycles for base load. Only small portion of GTs operate with simple cycles for peak load. The capacity of reserve power will be in a low level in the near future. In order to prevent electricity shortage due to the derating of power outputs on hot summer days, the power augmentation strategies for GT-based cycles need to be studied in advance. Since inlet fogging is one of the good options for power augmentation of GT-based cycles, our studies will focus on power augmentation by inlet fogging for GT-based simple and combined cycles. The objective of this thesis is to add an inlet fogging system onto existing GT-based power plants to study the effects caused by that system. Results show that GT-based simple and combined cycles with overspray inlet fogging are capable of boosting the power outputs and improving the efficiencies of the power plants while the overspray inlet fogging systems are operated in the proper range.


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