

本研究探討鹿港的地方認同現象所蘊含的文化因素,如何受到國家和現代性全球化的影響,並且表現在一連串追尋傳統的活動上。本文的目的是透過鹿港當代強調鹿港的傳統,以及清楚的界定什麼是鹿港人的現象,來探討這個認同背後的本質,以及什麼樣的社會與文化因素促成了這個現象。本文試圖從鹿港的歷史中,對比出當今的地方認同與清代地方認同的差異性,來確認當代地方認同產生的力量。 鹿港的地方認同是指在地以地方作為認同的符號,將自我歸屬於其下,所謂的認同是一種歸屬感,將自我歸屬到某個群體,這種以地方作為區辨我群的方式,強調的是我群以地方作為集體的意象而形成的認同。鹿港對於我群的強調,是透過傳統的建構,來標示出我群的特色。鹿港現今所強調的傳統展現在儀式、古蹟和地方美食三個面向。由於這些是在文化觀光的脈絡下被強調出來的,混和著鹿港歷史、與對歷史的再詮釋、現代等因素而成,因此本文將觀光產業進入鹿港的前後做出區隔,以凸顯外來資源進入後形成的變化。本文的章節安排,首先探討傳統生活中,儀式、古蹟與地方飲食所扮演的角色,接下來的三章個別探討當代興起的再生產的儀式、古蹟與伴生的工藝、地方美食,就地方與國家的糾葛、傳統與現代的迷思等來探討地方認同的建構過程。 鹿港原本是個宗教濃郁的地方,角頭廟是日常生活的重心,隨著現代性的進入、人口的變遷,宗教作為維繫角頭的主要力量逐漸式微,地方劃分角頭的方式,除了逐漸式微的血緣與地緣的劃分,也因那三個面向的興起,產生新的角頭,而這些新、舊的角頭,為了爭奪因文化觀光與國家帶來的資源,而更加分裂。不論是既有的以角頭廟為主的角頭,或是新出現的角頭,雖然彼此互不認同,但是都共同認同在鹿港以及國家之下。 鹿港致力於建構過去的光輝,對於鹿港來說,重點不在於建構真實的歷史,而在於藉由這個過程,使自身所歸屬的角頭獲得資源。鹿港因觀光脈絡的進入,使得龐大的外來資源進入,這些資源會進入,純粹源於鹿港在台灣開發史中的地位所建構出的文化意象,使得鹿港作為文化觀光的景點。因此強調傳統,以及表述對地方的認同,對於各角頭來說是爭取資源的手段;鹿港展現出對於傳統的追求,狀似地方致力於在地化,其實更加深地方的分裂,地方各角頭甚至在競逐資源的過程,會將同屬於地方的角頭轉化為不屬於地方的他者。因此鹿港當代的地方認同,背後意味著對於資源的競爭,這樣的現象其實和鹿港的歷史經歷了從清代繁華的發展,與清末至1970年代觀光脈絡進入之前的趨近於沒落有關。


This study is to understand the formation of Lukang’s local identity under the power of the state and the influence of cultural tourism in a globalized context. Also, this study tries to understand how Lukang people express their own identity through the reproduction of the local cultural tradition. In the study, Lukang’s local identity is defined by its locality with a sense of unique belonging that emphasizes upon local tradition. In other words, this study tries explore the nature of Lukang’s local identity and its related cultural factors under the power of the state and the force of globalization. The author suggests that the present Lukang’s local identity can be studied in three major cultural domains: religious rituals, historical landmarks and local cuisines that are all tuned up under the globalized context of cultural tourism. They are re-invented from local past history and mixed with the modern factors. Lukang is a religious town with many neighborhood temples (Chia-tou-miao). As a matter of fact, Chia-tou becomes the center of daily life. With the influence of modernization and the change of the structure of population, the role of folk religion in Chia-tou has gradually declined over time. New types of Chia-tou have emerged. Yet, interest conflicts from cultural tourism and state localization policy cause the disagreements among different Chia-tous. Lukang people put efforts upon restoring their old glories. Their main interest is not only to reconstruct the past history, but also to gain resources for their own Chia-tou. The development of local tourism has attracted massive outside resources from state due to Lukang’s unique cultural image originated from its role in Taiwan’s frontier history. Therefore, each Chai-tou competes to emphasize upon their own tradition as cultural capital to acquire outside resources. Nevertheless, Chia-tou’s competition for resources has not only transformed some of the regional Chia-tou’s into others, but have also widen up the divisions among them. In short, the present Lukang’s local identity is threatened by the competition for resources among different Chiao-tous. It is also interwoven with Lukang’s past prosperous history through the Chin Dynasty and its decline from the late Chin Dynasty to the 1970’s before the introduction of tourism.


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