  • 學位論文


Demand Chain Ontology For Operational Agility

指導教授 : 朱詣尹


隨著全球化趨勢及資訊科技的快速發展造成企業競爭愈益激烈,需求鏈管理(Demand Chain Management)已經逐漸成為公司提昇競爭力的新興焦點課題。需求鏈管理強調企業應該以顧客需求為導向驅動上游整體供應鏈活動,來滿足快速變動的市場需求。在顧客需求往上游拉動供應鏈過程中,在這些滿足顧客需求過程中,組織活動如何緊密鏈結因而敏捷回應顧客需求是值得深入研究之議題。 組織內部及外部頻繁的知識交流過程促使需求鏈上下游供應商與顧客形成緊密的鏈結關係,進而達到降低成本、縮短回應顧客需求時間之敏捷營運效益。本研究以我國半導體產業為背景,以知識本體論為架構,透過產業案例研究,深入了解個案公司需求鏈管理過程中之知識鏈結與知識交互影響,進而達到企業敏捷營運之過程。藉由需求鏈管理本體論呈現企業回應顧客需求過程中所需的多層級知識架構及其關聯性,本研究在探討需求鏈管理知識促進企業敏捷營運之過程中發現技術知識與市場知識與企業回應顧客需求的成本、時間以及彈性等敏捷指標之間的關聯性,其中,當顧客需求屬於漸進式改良型的產品時,技術和市場面的需求鏈管理知識可協助企業敏捷回應顧客;而需求面對相當幅度或新式平台變動時,技術面與市場面知識之間的配合則是促進企業能敏捷回應顧客的關鍵。


In the fast-changing market environment, demand chain management (DCM) that has been considered as a powerful strategic weapon recently help companies enhance their competences with the idea of customer demand driving the upstream supply activities. Frequent exchanges of DCM knowledge make closer relationship among supplier and customer. Enterprises can make quicker and more flexible response to customer demand at lower cost. This research explores the issue of how local companies in semiconductor industry achieve the goal of operational agility with frequent exchange of DCM knowledge. Accordingly, a framework of demand chain ontology is proposed and represents the linkage and combination process of core knowledge among partners in demand chain.. The operational agility can be improved by a systematical collection, integration, learning, and internal or external sharing of the DCM knowledge. The research reveals that the technology and market aspects of DCM knowledge help improve opreational agility when the demands encounter incremental changes. When the demands encounter substantial platform changes, the matches of technology and market knowledge are needed to enhance operational agility.


Demand Chain Management Agility Ontology


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