  • 學位論文

使用社會網路分析探討Wiki社群 - 以Wikipedia為例

Exploring Wiki Community Using Social Network Analysis – A study of Wikipedia

指導教授 : 王俊程


Web伴隨著internet的使用,成為了一種新的溝通方式,人類可以跨越區域限制交流互動,而形成「虛擬社群」。資訊科技的普及讓Web演進到了Web2.0的時代,Web的平台開始具有快速交流與開放合作的特性,而社會大眾將經由這樣的特性交換資訊或共創內容以提升網路存在的價值。在Web2.0發展當中,Wiki(維基)技術便是一個能讓人們快速編輯、發表意見的系統,是更加符合網路概念的一種平台,參與者透過共同創作的方式將知識累積,經由這樣的關係形成一個龐大的Wiki社群。 Wikipedia(維基百科)是目前Wiki技術中最具代表性的應用,為一個線上百科全書計畫。目前國內缺少對於Wiki社群方面之研究,而「社會網路」是一個可以有效檢視特定組織狀況的方法,故本研究將利用社會網路分析研究Wikipedia,對其網路關係與參與現象做為對Wiki社群現象的探討個案,以使用者參與程度與編輯量的關係為研究方向,而本論文從對Wikipedia的研究得到幾點成果發現: (1)從社會網路分析的不同角度探討編輯者的參與程度可做為Wiki社群現象象研究方法的參考。 (2)Wikipdia中的編輯量也許同樣反映出大眾的關切程度。 (3)利用資料分析解釋Wikipedia的Wiki特徵表現。


Following the use of internet, web has become a new way of communication. People can access web crossing over the limit of area to interact with each other, and form ' virtual community '. And the popularization of information science and technology brings the gradual progress of Web and get in the era of Web2.0. Then the platform of Web begins to have high-speed transforming and collaborative opening characteristics, and the people will exchange information or create the content to improve the value of network via such characteristics. Wiki technology is a system making people edit, express an opinion instantly, and which is a kind of platform fits in concept of the network further, the participant accumulates knowledge by collaborative writing to form a huge ‘Wiki community‘ via the relationship of their behavior. Wikipedia is the most successful application of Wiki technology at present, which is an online encyclopedia project. Since there were few researches about Wiki community and ‘social network’ is an effective way to evaluate the state of an organization, the purpose of this research is to explore Wikipedia using social network analysis. To discuss the relation and participation of users in Wikipedia as a Wiki community and take into editor’s participation and editing times for a research direction, the study gets some achievements: (1)It’s a new way to explore the relation between participation and editing times in Wikipedia with the concept of social network. (2)The editing frequency in Wikipedia maybe can reflect the attention of society.(3)To explain the characteristic of Wiki technology in Wikipedia.by the research data analyzing.


virtual community social network Wiki Wikipedia


Aaron Swartz (2006), ‘Who writes wikipedia?’
Borgatti, S.P. (1998), ‘What Is Social Network Analysis?’
Jakob Voss (2006), ‘Workshop on Wikipedia Research’
Tim O’Reilly (2005/09/30) ‘What Is Web2.0’
‘Wiki Design Principle’ (2007/06)


