  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Cloud-based Multiple Video Streaming Recording Service Platform

指導教授 : 黃能富


A desperate need for Cloud Computing architecture with multimedia streaming service is emerging. As the rapid development of network, a great number of Internet applications are required, while as technical improvements are successfully proposed to meet the requirement. Among the emerging applications of Internet, multimedia streaming service has long been an important field in network service, applications such as p2p video streaming, live video streaming, video on demand and others become popular. Due to the insufficiency of traditional client-server architecture to serve heavily, service model that differs from the client-server model values significantly and is implemented broadly in network service nowadays for its flexible and dynamic resource controlling features. Related dynamic provisioning architectures are proposed by others. Meanwhile, synchronization problem between multimedia streaming remains unsolved yet awaits a complete solution for the need in daily on-line meeting application. What this thesis aims to distribute is solving multiple multimedia streaming synchronization problem with the overloaded client-server model appealing to cloud-based model. In this thesis, focusing on multimedia streaming application, we proposed a multiple streaming recording service platform that successfully constructed a top-down architecture combining existing application with modulized application programming interfaces in IaaS cloud service. The algorithms proposed differs and enhanced the flexibility as well as the robustness of cloud-based architecture. Additionally, a series of experiment are conducted for performance evaluation of the service platform. A total solution for multiple streaming recording requirement are approved and validated. Suggestion and future work are discussed as well.


雲端計算 串流 多媒體 系統平台 錄影


網際網路發展日趨蓬勃,除了頻寬技術和無線通訊應用的發展,雲端的概念亦逐漸成形,雲端技術的成熟亦導入新服務模式的創新。同時,多媒體影音串流一直是網際網路應用的大宗。多媒體服務因上述改變亦隨著時代發展而有不同模式的改革。傳統的多媒體網際網路服務模式多是採用用戶端-伺服器端,但此模式相比於雲端技術有兩個明顯缺點。第一是伺服器上的負載量無法準確的符合使用量,即並沒有負載上的彈性。此問題將導致業者無法針對實際單位運行能力所需付出的成本進行管控,而面臨瞬間超載或浪費運算能力。其二是無法隨著服務規模的增長而有效提升基礎設施的擴建,迫使每當服務需求量劇烈提升所造成原先軟硬體配備不足,進而必須從新佈建整個系統。因此,在此篇論文中,我們藉由雲端系統中具有資源動態分配的IaaS架構研製了一系統平台。 此系統平台以當今網際網路多媒體串流服務的錄製為目標,即時性地服務使用者需求,並提供完整應用程式介面模組。系統平台參考雲端計算架構,改善傳統用戶端-伺服器端架構,成功地將雲端技術與現有系統架構整合。於雲端計算資源調配問題提出改良的動態分配演算法來提供一系統調控的新模組。當中服務是,針對多串流影音時間上的同步問題亦提出了解決的機制。 除此之外,本文亦做了系列的量測來說明此系統平台能大幅減輕運算能力、降低頻寬負荷,提升整體效能。並提出對於系統的改善建議和未來方向,以使系統平台更加完備。


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