  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Applications of Efficient Hole-Transport Material and Carbene Chelated Platinum(II) Complexes

指導教授 : 季昀


本論文有二個主要的討論課題,第一個是新型電洞傳輸材料在鈣鈦礦太陽能電池上的應用,第二個是鉑金屬磷光材料的合成與研究。 在第一部分,我們以常見的電洞傳輸材料 spiro-OMeTAD 為基礎,合成了三個新型化合物 CW3、CW4 及 CW5 ,這些化合物具有較小的分子量、較有效率的合成方式,以及各項良好的電洞傳輸材料所需的物理及化學性質。元件的製作則是委託成大光電系的陳昭宇老師進行,其中以化合物 CW4 為電洞傳輸材料的元件效率可達到 16.56% ,表現甚至較對照組的 spiro-OMeTAD 更高,其成果已發表在 Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 15518。 第二部分我們延續之前對鉑金屬磷光材料的研究,以增加量子產率並縮短 lifetime 為目標改良其設計。本研究中我們引入了強場的 carbene 官能團,合成出各系列新穎的鉑錯合物,並量測各項光物理性質。光色可從藍光延伸至橘紅光,大部分都具有良好的放光性質,且有數個錯合物具有 90% 以上之光量子產率,而 lifetime 也從常見的數十個微秒 (µs) 成功縮短至 400 ~ 1000 ns 左右。此部分之鉑錯合物均有優秀的磷光材料發展潛力。


There are two parts of studies in the thesis, first one is the synthesis and applications of hole-transport material in perovskite solar cell, the second one is the synthesis and photophysical properties of Pt complexs as a phosphorescent emitter. In the first part, we have a common hole transport material spiro-OMeTAD based, synthesized three novel compounds CW3, CW4 and CW5, these compounds have a molecular weight of smaller, more efficient way of synthesis, as well as the good physical and chemical properties required hole transport material. The device efficiency of perovskite solar cell which was fabricated with compound CW4 as hole transport materials can reach 16.56%. In the second part, we introduce a strong-field carbene functional group to synthesize a novel series of platinum complexes, and measuring the photophysical properties. Light color can be tuned from the blue to orange light and several complexes having light quantum yield of more than 90%, while the lifetime from common dozens of microseconds (μs) success shortened to about 400 ~ 1000 ns. These platinum complexes have excellent potential as phosphorescent materials utilized in organic light emitting diodes.


OLED HTM perovskite solar cell Pt complex


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