  • 學位論文

中國底層農民工的苦難: 塵肺病的無助、自助與他助

Suffering From Pneumoconiosis in China: Seeking Help and Resistance of Peasant Workers

指導教授 : 陳志柔


本研究探討的內容是有關中國塵肺病近年來的發展樣貌與未來的可能趨勢,2009年在新聞媒體與社會上轟動一時的「張海超開胸驗肺」事件,引起了眾人對塵肺病這項職業病的關注。2011年著名記者王克勤發起「大愛清塵‧尋救中國塵肺病農民兄弟大行動」,將中國人關注的力量轉為實際的行動。然而,塵肺病在中國並非是近幾年才出現的,早在1952年重慶就有矽肺的案例,那為什麼沉寂了那麼久的塵肺病突然又踏上歷史舞台呢?主要是因為過去的塵肺病人在國有企業工作,患上職業病後有國家提供醫療與經濟上的照顧,但在戶籍制度與改革開放的雙重因素下,許多農民工在私人企業工作產生職業病卻得不到任何的賠償或是醫療幫助,這樣的群體數量越來越多,在農村引發的問題越來越嚴重,也因此爆發出來。   在加入大愛清塵四川工作區的志願者團隊後,使用參與觀察法與訪談進行資料採集。從觀察到的案例中把塵肺病人分為無助、自助與他助三個類型,並發展出六種不同的生命軌跡,其中三種採取了維權行動後產生不同結果。本文針對這三個案例的維權手段與結果進行分析與說明,進一步解釋他們如何運用「法律」、「弱者身分為武器」以及「維穩機制的弱點」作為行動策略,在資源與政治結構的差異下,如何導致不同的維權成果,看出中國塵肺病人維權的困境與契機。


This study is about the current condition and development of pneumoconiosis in China. In 2009, the sensational news of pneumoconiosis activist Zhang Haichao’s voluntary exploratory thoracotomy drew the public’s attention to the occupational disease for the first time. Later in 2011, an movement called “Love Save Pneumoconiosis”[daaiqingchen] launching by a well-known reporter Keqin Wang, turned the public attention into substantial action. However, pneumoconiosis has not only emerged in China recently, the first cases of silicosis having been recorded in the Chongqing area as early as 1952. But why is pneumoconiosis, an issue that had been quiet for so long, and now suddenly taking center stage? Mainly because of the fact that while pneumoconiosis patients who had worked for state-owned enterprises, after suffering from occupational diseases, have been afforded national medical care and economic support. Under the dual influence of the Household Registration System (hukou) and Reform and Opening Up, many peasant workers who had worked in private enterprises did not get any compensation or medical help after acquiring occupational diseases. The number of these groups has increased considerably and the worsening situation in rural areas caused the issue to erupt.   This study has found six different life trajectories of patients suffering from pneumoconiosis in Sichuan Province. This study focuses on the three different cases out of the six that taking rights movement as mean of struggle. The analysis in this study is based on them, their strategies and results. It tries to explain how patients employ “the law”, ”weak identity as weapon” and the “ vulnerabilities of the stability maintenance [weiwen] mechanism” as their action strategies, and how differences in access to resources and political structures lead to different rights protection outcomes, thereby exhibiting the plight of as well as opportunities for China’s pneumoconiosis rights protection movement.


Axelrod, Robert M., 1984 , The Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books
