  • 學位論文

Articulation and coarticulation in Taiwan Mandarin


指導教授 : 張月琴 Khalil Iskarous


本論文以電磁感應構音記錄儀(Electromagnetic Articulometry, EMA)來探討台灣國語(Taiwan Mandarin)中,元音(vowel)與輔音(consonant)的構音特徵及協同發音的交互作用。本論文可分為兩大單元,第一個單元對國語裡的所有輔音與單元音(monophthong)做了詳實的構音紀錄,並對每個音段到達發音目標時的舌位與唇位變化進行分析與比較。第二個單元則是對國語的CV音節組合進行協同發音的質性與量化分析。具體而言,我們觀測固定元音在不同輔音環境下的發音目標變化,以做為輔音對元音影響(C-to-V effect)的依據;另以固定輔音在不同元音環境下的發音目標變化來觀察元音對輔音的影響(V-to-C effect)。 本論文亦整合過去研究,提出了一套系統性的量化方法,來測量各個輔音或元音的協同發音強度,並首次證明locus equation可用來測量元音的協同發音影響力(coarticulatory aggressiveness, CA)。量化協同發音的結果顯示國語中的C-to-V coarticulation 與V-to-C coarticulation具有不對稱性:在CV音節中,元音對輔音的影響(regressive V-to-C effect)遠大於輔音對元音的影響(progressive C-to-V effect);另外,我們的結果也顯示,協同發音影響力(coarticulatory aggressiveness, CA)與抵抗力(coarticulatory resistance, CR)在專司個別音段的主要發音器官上,比起其他次要發音器官來的更強(例如: /t/ 在舌尖上有較強的CA與CR),這些結果與文獻上描述其他語言的協同發音行為大致上相符合,同時也支持了Degree of Articulatory Constraint (DAC) model 與C-V gesture in-phase model的預測。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the articulatory patterns of consonants and vowels in Taiwan Mandarin from the perspective of dynamical system. In the dynamical system framework, we need two pieces of information to characterize phonological system, namely the gestural targets for consonants and vowels and the interactions between gestures. The first goal is static, in which the static articulatory targets for consonants and vowels in Taiwan Mandarin were thoroughly described by using Electromagnetic Articulometry (EMA). Further, by comparing consonants and vowels with the same place of articulation, some manner effects on articulatory targets were revealed. The second goal is dynamic, in which dynamic CV transition and coarticulation were analyzed. Qualitatively, time functions of articulator movements were presented as a visualization of the CV coarticulation. Quantitatively, the degree of the observed coarticulation were numerically measured. Specifically, the second part of this study is to explore the coarticulatory patterns in Taiwan Mandarin, by means of direct visualization of CV coarticulation as well as numerical analyses on the degree of coarticulation. For the numerical analyses, a systematic scheme of the quantification of CV coarticulation is proposed. The coarticulatory patterns in Taiwan Mandarin revealed in this study is generally consistent with those in other languages described in the literature, and support the statement in the degree of articulatory constraint (DAC) model that a sound segment has greater degrees of coarticulatory aggressiveness and resistance at articulators that are more involved in the production of that sound segment (e.g., the tongue tip for /t/). Furthermore, the CV coarticulation results revealed that V-to-C effect is dominant over C-to-V effect in Taiwan Mandarin, which can be attributed to C-V gesture in-phase relation. By examining the dynamic patterns of CV coarticulation, this study presents that V-to-C coarticulation is mostly caused by gesture overlapping, which is not the case for C-to-V coarticulation.


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